Re: WAI-ARIA Graphics Module

I think Leonie's already merged my changes into the main repo's master
branch, so you can start editing it there.

Regarding the figure role:

I already have figure listed as requiring an author-supplied name.  That's
not quite the same as saying aria-labelledby is required: you can use
aria-label instead, or an HTML figcaption element.  I'm not sure we want to
*require* a visible caption, although we could make it a recommendation.
For the HTML figure element, a figcaption is currently optional.

I *would* expect figures to show up in a page summary.  That was the main
reason I was recommending an extension of region instead of group.  You
should be able to quickly jump to "Figure 3" or "the diagram above" when it
is referenced later in the text, even if the author hasn't included a
hyperlink.  Sighted users can quickly scan back up, but screen readers need
a navigation landmark.

Finally, I second Leonie's recommendation to use the issue tracker for
keeping organized.

I myself am trying to clean up the SVG-AAM spec today and tomorrow, but
then will have to shift focus to other projects.  I probably won't be
making any other major changes for a couple of weeks.  If we have a nice
checklist of things that we need to follow up with, that would be helpful
when I get back to it.


On 22 June 2015 at 10:37, Richard Schwerdtfeger <> wrote:

> Hi Amelia,
> Regarding "d-figure" or "figure" if it goes in the ARIA spec., I would
> recommend requiring an aria-labelledby relationship (a required property)
> to the text.
> Let me address the group vs. region mapping.
> Region was not used as it is used for navigational landmarks:
> We don't see figure as being a landmark. Some back ground: Regions have
> been used in practices as generic landmark regions provided they have a
> label applied to it. These are typically large perceivable areas.
> I am not sure if you looked at the ARIA 1.1 definition of "group" but it
> is different from ARIA 1.0:
> Do you expect figures to show up in a page summary?
> I agree there will be some challenges with timing the integration into the
> main spec. but it is unavoidable. I do think we have runway to get some of
> these into aria 1.1.
> Rich
> Rich Schwerdtfeger

Received on Monday, 22 June 2015 18:25:23 UTC