- From: Richard Schwerdtfeger <schwer@us.ibm.com>
- Date: Fri, 12 Jun 2015 09:09:31 -0500
- To: public-svg-a11y@w3.org
- Message-ID: <OF39018758.AD42D303-ON86257E62.004D8E90-86257E62.004DC691@us.ibm.com>
Minutes: June 12, 2015 SVG Accessibility Task Force Meeting http://www.w3.org/2015/06/12-svg-a11y-minutes.html IRC log of svg-a11y on 2015-06-12 Timestamps are in UTC. 12:56:14 [RRSAgent] RRSAgent has joined #svg-a11y 12:56:14 [RRSAgent] logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/06/12-svg-a11y-irc 12:56:16 [trackbot] RRSAgent, make logs public 12:56:16 [Zakim] Zakim has joined #svg-a11y 12:56:18 [trackbot] Zakim, this will be WAI_PF 12:56:18 [Zakim] I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 12:56:19 [trackbot] Meeting: Protocols and Formats Working Group Teleconference 12:56:19 [trackbot] Date: 12 June 2015 12:56:22 [richardschwerdtfeger] chair: Rich 12:57:20 [LJWatson] LJWatson has joined #svg-a11y 12:57:27 [richardschwerdtfeger] chair: Fred 12:57:41 [richardschwerdtfeger] RRSAgen, make log public 12:57:47 [richardschwerdtfeger] RRSAgent, make log public 12:58:44 [richardschwerdtfeger] meeting: SVG Accessibility Task Force 12:59:24 [cpandhi] cpandhi has joined #svg-a11y 13:02:12 [fesch] fesch has joined #svg-a11y 13:02:50 [LJWatson] rrsagent, set logs world-visible 13:03:03 [LJWatson] meeting: SVG A11y TF 13:03:17 [LJWatson] Chair: Fred Esch 13:04:05 [LJWatson] present+ Fred Esch 13:04:21 [richardschwerdtfeger] present+ Rich 13:04:32 [LJWatson] present+ Doug Schepers 13:04:39 [LJWatson] present+ LJWatson 13:04:45 [LJWatson] scribenick: LJWatson 13:04:58 [LJWatson] TOPIC: The <use> element 13:05:15 [LJWatson] RS: When you take <use> you can take a section of the DOM. 13:05:44 [LJWatson] ... Under the covers the shadow DOM needs to be mapped to the accessibility tree. 13:06:21 [LJWatson] ... Chrome is the only browser to implement tabindex support so far. 13:06:28 [AmeliaBR] AmeliaBR has joined #svg-a11y 13:07:08 [LJWatson] DS: In Describlr the navigation tree had to be created manually. 13:07:19 [LJWatson] ... This is about focus though, not <use>. 13:07:31 [LJWatson] RS: No, it's bigger - you need to make sure things are exposed to the acc tree. 13:08:08 [LJWatson] DS: I disagree. We discussed this at length last week. The <use> element isn't intended to be used for complex constructs - only single things. 13:08:14 [LJWatson] RS: But you can can't you? 13:08:22 [LJWatson] DS: It's unclear in the current spec. 13:08:29 [LJWatson] rrsagent, make minutes 13:08:29 [RRSAgent] I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/06/12-svg-a11y-minutes.html LJWatson 13:09:01 [LJWatson] DS: If there are two elements in an icon, and mousing over each caused something different to happen... different behaviour on each. 13:09:16 [LJWatson] ... If I put them in a group and re-used that, the behaviour would not persist. 13:09:55 [LJWatson] ... I don't believe the shadow DOM is exposed in this way, and I don't think it should be. 13:10:01 [LJWatson] RS: Do we say that anywhere in the guidance? 13:10:09 [LJWatson] DS: I don't know that we say it anywhere. 13:10:33 [LJWatson] ABR: There are discrepancies between the spec and implementations, and between implementations. 13:10:41 [LJWatson] present+ Amelia BR 13:10:48 [LJWatson] rrsagent, make minutes 13:10:48 [RRSAgent] I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/06/12-svg-a11y-minutes.html LJWatson 13:12:42 [LJWatson] ... If you click on a complex icon you can figure out which thing was clicked on, but only the composite thing can react. 13:13:28 [LJWatson] RS: If a person interacts with an SVG drawing and is given some functionality, and someone who is impaired does not get the same functionality, that's a failure. 13:14:06 [LJWatson] ABR: SVG should adopt Web Components, but Web Components are not <use> elements. 13:14:36 [LJWatson] ... You use a template, but there is encapsulation. Each web component has its own DOM that can react differently from any other instance. 13:14:56 [LJWatson] RS: Amelia can you take an action to look at the SVG spec to get this cleaned up? 13:15:31 [LJWatson] ACTION: Amelia to look at SVG spec for references to <use> element, to make sure there is no confusion about implementation/accessibility. 13:15:31 [trackbot] Error finding 'Amelia'. You can review and register nicknames at < https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/users>. 13:16:22 [LJWatson] RS: Can something copied with <use> be interacted with? 13:16:48 [LJWatson] DS: If I copied a button, it would be interactive in the sense it could be clicked on to be activated, but I could assign different behaviour to the cloned button. 13:16:54 [LJWatson] rrsagent, make minutes 13:16:54 [RRSAgent] I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/06/12-svg-a11y-minutes.html LJWatson 13:17:17 [LJWatson] RS: I believe it's treated as a group by default. 13:17:52 [LJWatson] AVR: New roles like icon and/or symbol will have fallback roles. 13:18:33 [LJWatson] ABR: Looks like the spec has been cleaned up. 13:18:46 [LJWatson] DS: Has it been cleaned up, or just it just say "this thing is opaque". 13:18:57 [LJWatson] ... Agree that <use> isn't consistently implemented. 13:19:10 [LJWatson] ABR: We need to follow up with the main WG. 13:21:06 [LJWatson] rrsagent, make minutes 13:21:06 [RRSAgent] I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/06/12-svg-a11y-minutes.html LJWatson 13:21:22 [richardschwerdtfeger] scribenick: Rich 13:21:38 [shepazu] (Created ACTION-3812 - Look at svg spec for references to <use> element, to make sure there is no confusion about implementation/accessibility. [on Amelia Bellamy-Royds - due 2015-06-19].) 13:21:44 [richardschwerdtfeger] Action: Rich make img the default role for <use> 13:21:44 [trackbot] Created ACTION-1649 - Make img the default role for <use> [on Richard Schwerdtfeger - due 2015-06-19]. 13:22:19 [richardschwerdtfeger] Topic: Role Taxonomy 13:22:48 [richardschwerdtfeger] Fred: When we left 2 weeks ago we had talked about icon and we were starting to talk about whether we would want symbol also 13:23:39 [richardschwerdtfeger] Amelia: I had initially proposed one role that would encompass a complex graphic that represents a simple concept in many cases. 13:24:10 [richardschwerdtfeger] Amelia: We discussed whether it made sense to use the same terminology to define symbols on a graphic vs. a chart. 13:24:50 [richardschwerdtfeger] Amelia: Even if common languages has different names for these, I think it is unnecessary to have 2 roles as we have to add terminology to define which context the role is valid in. 13:25:00 [richardschwerdtfeger] Amelia: The context should determine the context 13:25:18 [shepazu] q+ 13:26:02 [richardschwerdtfeger] Fred: I like the term symbol as it is used in the graphics domains all the time. When ever you google things you can google electical symbols vs. electrical icons 13:26:34 [richardschwerdtfeger] Fred: I definitely think there is value in telling ATs that there is value in telling the AT that these are symbols 13:27:08 [richardschwerdtfeger] Lioni: I see value in having both symbols and icons. There is quite a different to the 2 things in my mind 13:27:29 [richardschwerdtfeger] Fred: If you are trying to teach kids what the nomenclature is they can’t be referring to them as icons 13:27:51 [richardschwerdtfeger] Jason: There is interest in the role description property 13:27:57 [richardschwerdtfeger] q+ 13:28:13 [richardschwerdtfeger] Jason: I think it is an important issue 13:28:34 [richardschwerdtfeger] Jason: This is a larger ARIA issue 13:28:38 [fesch] ack shepazu 13:28:39 [richardschwerdtfeger] ack shepazu 13:29:06 [LJWatson] q+ 13:29:16 [richardschwerdtfeger] Doug: we can differentiate between Symbol and icon. Are we saying that a user agent or an AT uses the same word that we use for the role in order to impart the meaning to the user? 13:29:30 [richardschwerdtfeger] Doug: Finish is not the same as finnish 13:29:54 [richardschwerdtfeger] Doug: at some point I agree there is a distinction on what stands as a symbol vs. a functional thing 13:30:07 [richardschwerdtfeger] Doug: I don’t know that we should keep dwelling on this 13:30:09 [AmeliaBR] q+ 13:30:16 [fesch] ack rich 13:30:27 [richardschwerdtfeger] ack richardschwerdtfeger 13:30:55 [fesch] q ? 13:30:56 [richardschwerdtfeger] Jason: there are important issues about using the ARIA role name 13:31:06 [fesch] q+ 13:31:16 [richardschwerdtfeger] Jason: what we should distinguish here is that the different types can be treated differently. 13:32:17 [fesch] ack LJ 13:32:35 [richardschwerdtfeger] Lioni: To the best of my knowledge screen readers will take guidance from the role attribute 13:32:58 [richardschwerdtfeger] Lioni: We need to make sure we correctly define what the thing is 13:33:14 [richardschwerdtfeger] Doug: I agree but the name that we choose for the role may not be what the AT uses 13:33:29 [richardschwerdtfeger] Doug: I can see where Apple says we have a better name for our users 13:33:35 [LJWatson] ack me 13:33:54 [richardschwerdtfeger] Fred: Shere this is a domain for dpub or epub we can choose the name in the context of the name 13:34:11 [richardschwerdtfeger] Lioni: you tend to describe something by its role 13:34:13 [fesch] ack ame 13:34:33 [richardschwerdtfeger] Amelia: sounds reasonable. There are cases where people are already mapping to roles that are not in ARIA 13:34:41 [richardschwerdtfeger] Amelia: it is not guaranteed. 13:35:03 [richardschwerdtfeger] Amelia: my main concern is the distinction between symbol or icon 13:35:17 [richardschwerdtfeger] Amelia: if it is interactive it should have a widget role 13:35:31 [shepazu] q+ 13:35:34 [richardschwerdtfeger] Amelia: so, we should avoid the word icon and just use Symbol 13:35:44 [richardschwerdtfeger] ack fesch 13:35:52 [richardschwerdtfeger] Fred: a symbol you can put an action on 13:36:04 [richardschwerdtfeger] Fred: I would not prohibit doing an action on a symbole 13:36:06 [fesch] ack shep 13:36:59 [richardschwerdtfeger] Rich: only one role is mapped at a time 13:37:16 [richardschwerdtfeger] Rich: there is an aria-interactive role defined in ARIA 1.1 13:37:40 [richardschwerdtfeger] Doug: icon does not say what it is doing 13:38:04 [richardschwerdtfeger] Rich: we could subclass icon if we wanted to. 13:38:17 [richardschwerdtfeger] Lioni: Icon is a thing in digital interfaces 13:38:56 [richardschwerdtfeger] Amelia: perhaps having an icon button being a subclass of button as represented as a graphical display. I think this is worth having a role for 13:39:20 [richardschwerdtfeger] Doug: Right. But then we could have a symbol for a non-interactive graphic wether it is in a map or a chart 13:39:46 [richardschwerdtfeger] Doug: You could always use a different aria role for things 13:40:11 [richardschwerdtfeger] Jason: you could also use an aria role description for a button to say that it is an icon 13:40:27 [richardschwerdtfeger] Doug: can I try to persuade you for a moment? 13:40:30 [LJWatson] q+ 13:40:44 [richardschwerdtfeger] Doug: when I say click on the trash icon do you look for the trash button? 13:40:47 [richardschwerdtfeger] Jason: yes 13:41:07 [richardschwerdtfeger] Doug: perhaps for the average user there is more clarity by calling it an icon 13:41:19 [LJWatson] +1 to clarity for users. 13:41:22 [richardschwerdtfeger] Jason: I think they get most of their information from interacting with it 13:41:51 [richardschwerdtfeger] Doug: May I suggest a path forward but we put an icon role out there asking for feedback 13:41:54 [richardschwerdtfeger] Fred: I agree 13:42:23 [richardschwerdtfeger] Leoni: adding a role for icon is always going to be the path of least resistance. 13:42:30 [AmeliaBR] q+ to talk about symbol & role-description for shapes 13:42:46 [richardschwerdtfeger] Leoni: making them do a role of “buttion” with a role description of “icon” will not make them happy 13:42:54 [richardschwerdtfeger] ack LJWatson 13:43:12 [richardschwerdtfeger] Ameila: Is there anything else on that topic? 13:44:00 [richardschwerdtfeger] RESOLUTION: Use Icon as an Icon button Role which would be a subclass of the button role. 13:45:46 [richardschwerdtfeger] RESOLUTION: Amelia,Fred, will be initial editors of the document and we will add as we gain contributors 13:47:42 [richardschwerdtfeger] Action: Lioni set up github folder structure uner ARIA for the Graphics module 13:47:42 [trackbot] Error finding 'Lioni'. You can review and register nicknames at < https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/users>. 13:48:07 [AmeliaBR] s/making them do/making authors have to include/ 13:48:09 [richardschwerdtfeger] Action: LJWatson set up github folder structure uner ARIA for the Graphics module 13:48:09 [trackbot] Error finding 'LJWatson'. You can review and register nicknames at < https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/users>. 13:48:30 [richardschwerdtfeger] Action: Leeonie set up github folder structure uner ARIA for the Graphics module 13:48:30 [trackbot] Error finding 'Leeonie'. You can review and register nicknames at < https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/users>. 13:48:47 [shepazu] Action: Leonie set up github folder structure uner ARIA for the Graphics module 13:48:48 [trackbot] Created ACTION-1650 - set up github folder structure uner aria for the graphics module [on Léonie Watson - due 2015-06-19]. 13:48:50 [richardschwerdtfeger] Action: Leonie set up github folder structure uner ARIA for the Graphics module 13:48:50 [trackbot] Created ACTION-1651 - set up github folder structure uner aria for the graphics module [on Léonie Watson - due 2015-06-19]. 13:49:27 [fesch] q? 13:49:31 [AmeliaBR] ack me 13:49:31 [Zakim] AmeliaBR, you wanted to talk about symbol & role-description for shapes 13:49:48 [richardschwerdtfeger] Topic: Symbol 13:50:03 [richardschwerdtfeger] Amelia: Symbol is an atomic non-interactive graphic 13:50:22 [richardschwerdtfeger] Amelia: So a symbole will probably be the logical basic role for basic shapes 13:50:43 [richardschwerdtfeger] Amelia: this is a diamond, this is a heart 13:50:52 [fesch] q? 13:51:12 [richardschwerdtfeger] Amelia: The symbol should not be for any large graphic but that would include basic shapes 13:51:30 [richardschwerdtfeger] Amelia: It would follow the existing pattern 13:51:49 [richardschwerdtfeger] Amelia: it does not have a label on it you would not mention it at all 13:52:01 [richardschwerdtfeger] Amelia: if you have a label on that shape you would call it a symbol 13:52:07 [fesch] q? 13:52:37 [richardschwerdtfeger] Rich: so if you just have a circle with a label do you really want this to be a symbol? 13:53:15 [richardschwerdtfeger] Amelia: shape, ellipse, and path are details of the implementation 13:54:20 [richardschwerdtfeger] Amelia: a symbol can never have a child 13:54:33 [richardschwerdtfeger] Amelia: right now all these shapes will map to group 13:55:12 [richardschwerdtfeger] Amelia: the only things it can have in the tree are animate, ... 13:55:19 [richardschwerdtfeger] Amelia: there is no child text 13:55:45 [richardschwerdtfeger] Amelia: they can have implicit roles of role description circle 13:56:34 [fesch] q? 13:56:42 [richardschwerdtfeger] Rich: James Craig at Apple had wanted circle, ellipse, etc. 13:56:48 [shepazu] q+ 13:56:59 [richardschwerdtfeger] Jason: it seems reasonable to define roles for the pre-defined shapes 13:57:12 [richardschwerdtfeger] Jason: I would not be a proposed to a shape role either 13:57:24 [fesch] q+ 13:57:34 [richardschwerdtfeger] Jason: I think we have several different options for treating the issues 13:57:35 [fesch] ack shep 13:57:53 [richardschwerdtfeger] Doug: So, Jason If you heard that something had the role of path what would you think? 13:58:38 [richardschwerdtfeger] Doug: 90% of all elements used in SVG are all paths 13:59:08 [richardschwerdtfeger] Doug: rectangles, circles, and ellipses are typically either a path or a polygon 13:59:22 [richardschwerdtfeger] Doug: if it has curves it is probably a path 13:59:55 [richardschwerdtfeger] Doug: most authoring tools use paths vs circle, etc. 14:00:17 [richardschwerdtfeger] Doug: Yoking it to the thing that it is a not very valuable 14:00:32 [fesch] ack me 14:01:47 [richardschwerdtfeger] Doug: If we want people to know there is a circle on the screen it should probably be in shape or path with a roledescription that was circle 14:02:09 [richardschwerdtfeger] Fred: you could actually draw the entire symbol with a path and visually look the same. 14:02:36 [richardschwerdtfeger] Fred: when you are losing about basic shapes, … I don’t hear shapes used very often 14:03:12 [richardschwerdtfeger] Doug: other than when you are talking about a shape as a shape you need to be more explicit 14:04:19 [richardschwerdtfeger] Rich: Lets put symbol in the spec. and get feedback. Also state that we considered shape 14:04:52 [richardschwerdtfeger] RESOLUTION: We will have a symbol role that includes atomic non-interactive content that also encompasses the basic shapes 14:05:05 [richardschwerdtfeger] RRSAgent, make log public 14:05:18 [richardschwerdtfeger] RRSAgent, draft minutes 14:05:18 [RRSAgent] I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/06/12-svg-a11y-minutes.html richardschwerdtfeger 14:05:58 [richardschwerdtfeger] RRSAgent, make minutes 14:05:58 [RRSAgent] I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/06/12-svg-a11y-minutes.html richardschwerdtfeger Rich Schwerdtfeger
Received on Friday, 12 June 2015 14:10:16 UTC