Re: Changed link from SVG-AAM to Core-AAM

that is correct Michael. Thanks for the pickup.

Rich Schwerdtfeger

From:	Michael Cooper <>
To:	"" <>
Date:	02/25/2015 06:01 PM
Subject:	Changed link from SVG-AAM to Core-AAM

In SVG-AAM 5.4.1 General Rules there is a statement:

      [SVG] user agents MUST conform to the Role Mapping General Rules
      accessibility API computational requirements in [CORE-AAM].

This included a link to the Core-AAM:

However, a section with that ID does not exist in the Core-AAM. I changed
the link to the most likely candidate I could think of, 5.1 General rules
for exposing WAI-ARIA semantics:

I am not absolutely sure I set the target to the right place. But it had to
be done quickly this evening in order for the TR publication not to be
delayed. So if I chose the wrong target, I wanted to alert you so you can
fix it before the next TR publication.


Received on Thursday, 26 February 2015 13:47:54 UTC