RE: SVG Accessibility Task Force

I could work with any of the times on Friday - the Thursday timeslot
conflicts with the HTML5-a11y TF call Rich.




From: Richard Schwerdtfeger [] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2014 11:33 AM
Cc: Fred Esch; SVG WG; SVG public list; W3C WAI Protocols & Formats
Subject: SVG Accessibility Task Force


Fred Esch and I will be chairing the SVG Accessibility Task Force and we
would like to establish a first meeting time for 1 hour. 

Fred and I are available: 

Thursday 11am eastern; 
Friday, 9-11 am eastern, 1-3pm eastern, and 4-6pm eastern. 

For those who want to participate please respond to this email on the new
public-svg-a11y list with your name and times that you are available. If
needed we will move to an online poll. 

Here is a draft of the Task force work statement:

One of the key pieces of work will be to to develop WAI-ARIA semantics
specific to graphics such as charts,  STEM, and other complex graphics. A
challenge for our group will be to define scoping so that we can get
manageable chunks out to accelerate access in this space. 


Rich Schwerdtfeger

Received on Thursday, 27 November 2014 02:00:25 UTC