Re: Recall - Project for digital reduction: httpe

I’d be ok with the httpe if it also included https.

We can’t force folks to make a choice between environment and security. It
should be both.

I actually wonder if httpp would be better. HTTP for the Planet.

Might be able to encode other things in there as well.  Maybe it needs to
also be a Progressive web application as well.  That would be better for
mobile. Privacy would be another great one to include. Why not force a
Privacy Policy too.  And iPv6.

In anycase, I suspect that you’ll need more than sustainability allies if
you are to get this off the ground.  Heck, even https isn’t all that well

Anyways, something to consider. Clearly we need a better way to encourage
people to prioritize sustainable digital communications.


Mike Gifford, Senior Strategist, CivicActions
Drupal Core Accessibility Maintainer |

On November 1, 2021 at 4:35:52 PM, Olivier Nussbaumer ( wrote:


I have a digital innovation project (created in 2013) which resonates with
you who are sensitive to the environment and to the energy-consuming
excesses generated by digital technology.

My goal is simple: to launch this httpe ( project on
For that, I need your support for this project.

The httpe would be based on an already existing principle: the https. In
addition, we know a lot of elements on the weight of a website (Ex.,, ...). To start launching httpe (function e1 -, we can integrate httpe automatically
according to a reasonable weight on said website (

I have supports:
- a French friend expatriate in the United States who occupies the function
of legal manager for Whatsapp in the heart of Silicon Valley. He previously
worked at Microsoft and put me in touch with a former college (Senior
Director and Assistant General Counsel, Cloud IP Policy & Strategy at
Microsoft). They are delighted with the concept.
- the founder of GreenIT (,, Frédéric Bordage (Expert, digital sobriety,
and responsible digital, since the creation in 2004) who can support my
- I also contacted Benjamin Louis, Member of the Board of Directors of
Afnic (France - and told me: "very happy to hear
from you, I am going to send it to Afnic's IT department, I keep you up to

The objective is to bring together actors engaged in digital technology and
thus combine efforts in the fight against digital pollution.

Without a stakeholder on your part, we will not be able to act visibly and
prioritize the climate emergency inserted in digital technology.

Thank you in advance for your return.

Best regards,

*Olivier Nussbaumer*

Mobile : +33(0)6 21 67 04 47
Adresse : 20, rue Scheiterberg - 67290 Rosteig

Received on Thursday, 4 November 2021 01:36:21 UTC