Re: Speech Synthesis - Length parameter

I support 'length' in SpeechSynthesisEvent and I'd be willing to implement
it in Chrome if there are no objections.

On a larger note, it'd be great if we could revive discussions on this list
and update the spec based on the errata.

- Dominic

On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 3:59 PM Jerry Smith (WPT) <>

> We’ve implemented speech synthesis in Edge on the Windows 10 Anniversary
> Update, and have been revising it lately to support the word boundary
> features.  We have an internal partner that wants to use these.  They’ve
> also requested we support word “length”, which isn’t included in the
> community group Web Speech API Specification.  Knowing the length in
> addition to boundary makes it very simple to highlight text while it is
> being spoken.  We already support this in WinRT APIs, and would like to do
> the same on Edge.
> Our goal would be to receive equivalents to the following WinRT API events
> for both paragraphs and words:
> TimeSpan              StartTime       Position in the audio stream
>                                       Required by IMediaCue
> HSTRING               Text            Text of the bookmark.  For sentence
> and word boundary this can provide the text snippet from the original text.
>                                       Note: We do not have a strong
> requirement to support text for word and sentence boundary markers.
> Nullable<UINT32>      Offset          Offset in the input text associated
> with the current position in the audio playback.
>                                       This is not populated for SSML
> bookmarks.
> Nullable<UINT32>      Length          The length of the text starting from
> the Offset associated with the position in the audio playback.
>                                       This is not populated for SSML
> bookmarks.
> The existing speech API spec has been around for a while.  Is there a way
> to evaluate and process spec additions/edits?
> Glen:  I’d appreciate hearing your take on this suggestion.  The Speech
> API community report dates to 2012.  Is there much interest in revising it
> in other ways?
> Jerry Smith
> Microsoft – Web Platform Team

Received on Friday, 11 November 2016 16:24:27 UTC