Browser support for TTS implementation

We're looking for a way to support text-to-speech capabilities for folks visiting our website. It appears that this API would enable us to do this. Two questions:
- Can anyone provide links to websites that currently implement this? For example, providing a button on their web pages that enable the user to exercise the TTS functionality
- Does anyone have a list of browsers that support the TTS component of the API? Perusing the mail archives, we find reference to checking the browser for the web speech API via the webkitSheechRecognition object, but we can't find any reference to the TTS equivalent.

Thanks in advance for any information.

Jay Wyant | Chief Information Accessibility Officer
Office of Accessibility, a program of MN.IT Services
651-201-1001 |
  Information Technology for Minnesota Government |

Received on Tuesday, 12 July 2016 14:33:28 UTC