Potential errata being discussed in our Speech API bugzilla database

Reminder, there are several issues being discussed in our Speech API
bugzilla database [1]. I encourage you to read and provide feedback.  (If
you wish to receive email when a particular issue is updated, add yourself
as a cc.)

Three of these issues appear to be resolved, so I proposed specific errata
wording, and if there's no disagreement, I'll add them to the errata page
[2] on Sept 24.

21049: When cancel() is called on SpeechSynthesis...end() or error()...
21195: ...if more than one SpeechSynthesis ... speak the same utterance
21744: Speech utterance example missing "new" keyword...

[2] https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/speech-api/raw-file/tip/speechapi-errata.html

Received on Wednesday, 11 September 2013 08:35:51 UTC