Re: joining a working group

On 8/24/12 8:19 AM, ext Jim Barnett wrote:
> I’m quite happy to accept _/comments/_ from anyone, and both the MMI 
> and VBWG groups get plenty of them, but I would only accept 
> _/contributions/_ from people/companies who have made IP commitments.

That's probably one of the most important tasks for a WG Chair and its 
W3C staff (especially for "Public" WGs)!

> I would refuse to even read a contribution from a browser company who 
> wouldn’t join the group.

I can understand that view but it seems more like a "personal 
preference" to me.

> If the separate group isn’t member confidential, we need to have 
> _/very/_ strict rules about who we accept contributions from.


-Thanks, AB

Received on Friday, 24 August 2012 12:23:57 UTC