Re: Update to proposal report.

On 03/23/2017 08:11 AM, Andy Seaborne wrote:
> I've made some updates to reflect recent discussions and also to add
> descriptive text.  What I'd really like feedback on is where less can be
> said.  Just adding text to explain points risks putting too much in.
>     Andy

I see that some changes have been made.  These changes appear to be an attempt
to fix some problems that I have pointed out.  However, I don't think that
there has been any description of how the changes fix these problems.

It may be that the final report can be somewhat sparse, but I would have
thought that at least there should be some record in the group mailing list
explaining how any final solution addresses the problems pointed out along the

Producing and making changes to a report that indicated that it was the
consensus of the community group without first getting consensus of the group
is not a good idea.  I have cut down this claim in the abstract and added
wording to the effect that there are two proposals in the report.


Received on Friday, 31 March 2017 14:11:32 UTC