Re: another problem with Proposal B

On 18/04/17 17:27, james anderson wrote:
> good evening;
>> On 2017-04-18, at 17:11, Andy Seaborne <> wrote:
>> On 13/04/17 20:50, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:
>>> Proposal B has another problem related to simplification.
>>> The simplification examples in section 18.2.3 of the SPARQL document > show that
>>> simplification is to be performed on join(Z,X) for any X.  This
>>> removes the
>>> initial empty BGP in many group graph patterns, including
>>>   { VALUES ?junk { } BIND ( ?this AS ?that ) ?that a ex:bad . }
>> A systematic treatment for VALUES would be to add it to the "Values Insertion" step so that the variables of the current row are included.
>> Proposal B is "make the current row available everywhere inside EXISTS" so that seems (to me) like a natural step.
>> That makes a VALUES with no entries behave like an empty BGP in the algebra; there is already a restriction on using the a potential current row variables.
> is "a VALUES with no entries” intended to mean a values clause with variables and no solutions - as above, a values clause with no variables, but one solution, or a clause with neither?

Peter's example isn't actually very helpful as stated because  VALUES 
?junk { } is no rows ... and the whole of the rest of the example is 
moot as nothing happens.

I think it's meant to be

VALUES ?junk { UNDEF }

>>> resulting in
>>>   Join( Extend( empty multiset, ?that, ?this ), BGP( ?that a ex:bad ) )
>>> so in
>>>   SELECT ?this WHERE {
>>>     ?this a ex:good .
>>>     FILTER EXISTS { BIND ( ?this AS ?that ) ?that a ex:bad }
>>>     }
>>> solutions will be returned for every direct instance of ex:good if
>>> there is
>>> any direct instance of ex:bad, counter to expectations.
>> This second case is not VALUES.
>> SELECT * {
>>   BIND ( ?this AS ?that ) ?that a ex:bad
>> }
>> is the algebra:
>>  (join
>>    (extend ((?that ?this))
>>      (Z - empty BGP))
>>    (bgp (triple ?that rdf:type ex:bad))
>>    )
>> Simplification does not occur - the empty BGP is inside the (extend) so there is not a "form join(Z,X)".
>>    Andy
>>> peter

Received on Tuesday, 18 April 2017 17:10:48 UTC