Re: updated draft

good evening;

> On 2017-04-02, at 14:40, Peter F. Patel-Schneider <> wrote:
> On 04/02/2017 05:31 AM, james anderson wrote:
>> good afternoon;
>>> […]
>>> Do you think that there is not even consensus  on the "problematic
>>> situations”?
>> correct.
>> i have maintained, from the start, that some of the purported issues follow from a misconception and are not entailed by the recommendation.
>>> I changed the abstract so that it does not say that there is
>>> consensus on the solution.
>>> Here is what I am seeing for the abstract.
>>> Abstract
>>> A number of issues with the SPARQL EXISTS feature have been identified. This
>>> document records community consensus within the SPARQL Maintenance (EXISTS)
>>> Community Group on problematic situations with respect to SPARQL EXISTS and
>>> contains two proposals for improvement, one that emphasizes maintaining some
>>> form of compatibility and one that emphasizes producing a simple solution that
>>> fits well into the rest of SPARQL.
>> that restatement better articulates an incremental process.
>> it does not change the view that some of the recorded issues are chimeric.
>> i continue to maintain, the only true issue is #1.
>> best regards, from berlin,
> Somehow I was unaware that you did not agree that the examples that I put
> forward are problematic.

i have been presenting that position for months.
it is unfortunate, that i did not present it adequately, that it was understood.

> So you do not agree, for example, that that it is problematic that according
> to the SPARQL specification that the running the query
>    ?x :p :d .
>    FILTER EXISTS { ?x :q :b . } }
> against the graph
> _:c :p :d .
> :e :q :b .
> produces a result set containing a query solution that maps ?x to _:c?
> peter

it would be problematic were the recommendation to require an implementation to produce that result.
the recommendation does not require that.
i do understand that various interpretations of the recommendation lead one to believe that it implies that result.
those interpretations are flawed.

best regards, from berlin,

james anderson | |

Received on Sunday, 2 April 2017 16:09:34 UTC