definition of top-level binding injection for EXISTS

Here is the complete proposal for the initial top-level-only binding
injection definition of EXISTS, taken from a paper by David Martin and
myself to be presented at ISWC in October.

1. Add a new construct, Initial, to the SPARQL syntax and algebra.  Initial
   will be used to set up the initial multiset of solution mappings inside
   an EXISTS.  It will work much like VALUES except that it will transfer
   solution mappings through the EXISTS instead of setting up a constant
   solution mapping.  Initial is a new option for GraphPatternNotTriples in
   the SPARQL syntax but cannot show up in actual SPARQL code, just during
   the SPARQL translation process.  Initial takes a single argument that is
   a token (which can just be an integer).

2. When collecting FILTER elements replace EXISTS{pattern} in the filter
   expression with
     exists(t,translate( {Initial(t) pattern'}))
   where t is a fresh token, and similarly for NOT EXISTS{pattern}.  Note
   that the argument to translate, {Initial(t) pattern'} is SPARQL syntax.
   If pattern is a SubSelect then pattern' is {pattern} otherwise pattern'
   is just pattern.

3. Translate Initial(t) as itself.

4. Change the definition of the exists function to:

   Let mu be the current solution mapping for a filter, t a token, and P a
   graph pattern: The value exists(t,P) given D(G) is true iff eval(D(G),P')
   is a non-empty multiset of solution bindings, where P' is P with (its
   sole occurence of) Initial(t) replaced by mu.

Pre-binding can be defined as performing this injection on the
GroupGraphPattern of the top-level WhereClause of a query (or equivalent for
certain query forms).


Received on Friday, 23 September 2016 20:00:18 UTC