Issue-3 - Blank nodes substituted into BGPs act as variables

For issue 3, what the spec says and what users expect are different.

PREFIX : <http://example/>

    ?s ?p ?o
    FILTER EXISTS { ?s :p 1 }

PREFIX : <http://example/>

_:s1 :p 1 .
_:s2 :p 2 .

Outcome 1:
| s    | p  | o |
| _:s1 | :p | 1 |

I think this is expectation - the ?s in the EXISTS becomes the blank 
node and the EXIST test is about triples with the blank node from the BGP.

Compare this to when the data is:
PREFIX : <http://example/>

:s1 :p 1 .
:s2 :p 2 .
| s   | p  | o |
| :s1 | :p | 1 |

The intuition is that data blank nodes and IRIs should behave the same.

But in the spec blank nodes behave like variables, not constants.

Spec gives:
| s    | p  | o |
| _:s1 | :p | 1 |
| _:s2 | :p | 2 |

because it is like:

PREFIX : <http://example/>

    ?s ?p ?o
    FILTER EXISTS { ?VAR :p 1 }

and { ?VAR :p 1 } matches for any ?s ?p ?o.

The bnode _:s1 or _s2 substitute into the EXISTS giving  { [] :p 1 } for 
each row.

I'm not sure of the way to address this.

Peter - can an entailment regime impose a condition that blank nodes in 
the data only map to the same blank node?

Another approach is to somehow add a restriction on the "variableness"
c.f. if it were a true variable:

   ?s ?p ?o
   FILTER EXISTS { ?VAR :p 1 . FILTER(sameTerm(?VAR, ?s) }

Any other ideas?


Received on Thursday, 14 July 2016 13:20:34 UTC