A need also very close...
At the next extended, we need to think to insert a place in the XML for the
errors' messages of different SPARQL services for federated queries, with a
mode verbore ;)
It's maybe a good idea to start to prepare a new version of SPARQL
2018-07-11 15:49 GMT+02:00 Bijan Parsia <bijan.parsia@manchester.ac.uk>:
> Other hacks:
> 1) Wrap the result in a custom format and strip it off before passing the
> results to a results processor
> Pro: pretty easy and clean
> Con: Clients which are unaware of this will bork hard
> 2) Dork the schema to allow for the meta data and dork the schema location
> to point to your dorked schema
> Pro: Lets you use the format of choice. Should work with most
> processors even validating ones
> Con: If the process makes assumptions about the PSVI you could get
> borkage.
> I think link with datauri is likely to be the most robust if a bit
> unpleasant for e.g. inspecting the results by hand.