Re: Extending SPARQL XML result format

Probably better to take Jena-specific questions to its own list:

On Wed, Jul 11, 2018 at 2:49 PM, Thomas Francart
<> wrote:
> Olivier, you have the reference to the code in the stacktrace excerpt I
> posted. See
> Thomas
> 2018-07-11 14:46 GMT+02:00 Olivier Rossel <>:
>> Did you check which code in Jena triggers the schema validation? I don't
>> see this as a so strong requirement.
>> Le mer. 11 juil. 2018 à 14:37, Thomas Francart <>
>> a écrit :
>>> Hello
>>> Trying to parse the following extended SPARQL result XML works in RDF4J
>>> but fails in Jena.
>>> Conclusion : SPARQL XML result format is not extensible from the standard
>>> point of view, neither from a practical point of view if one of the major
>>> RDF library fails in dealing with this (with reason, since the standard does
>>> not allow it). Using other namespaces does not help. I will consider using a
>>> "Link" header in the HTTP response, as suggested.
>>> Best Regards
>>> Thomas
>>> XML :
>>> <?xml version="1.0"?>
>>> <sparql xmlns="">
>>>   <meta xmlns="">
>>>     <timeMillis
>>> xmlns="">123456</timeMillis>
>>>   </meta>
>>>   <head>
>>>     <variable name="concept"/>
>>>     <variable name="prefLabel"/>
>>>   </head>
>>>   <results>
>>>     <result>
>>>       <binding name="concept">
>>>         <uri></uri>
>>>       </binding>
>>>       <binding name="prefLabel">
>>>         <literal xml:lang="en">Teacher education</literal>
>>>       </binding>
>>>     </result>
>>>   </results>
>>> </sparql>
>>> Code with RDF4J :
>>> TupleQueryResultParserRegistry.getInstance().get(TupleQueryResultFormat.SPARQL).get().getParser().parseQueryResult(new
>>> FileInputStream("/path/to/sparql-result-extended.xml"));
>>> Code with Jena :
>>> FileInputStream("/path/to/sparql-result-extended.xml"),
>>> ResultSetLang.SPARQLResultSetXML);
>>> Exception :
>>> Caused by: org.apache.jena.sparql.resultset.ResultSetException:
>>> skipToHead: Unexpected tag: {}meta
>>>     at
>>>     at
>>> 2018-07-09 19:36 GMT+02:00 Gregory Williams <>:
>>>> FWIW, the hacky but standards compliant way I’ve dealt with this in the
>>>> past is by using the link element with a data: URI.
>>>> .greg
>>>> On Jul 9, 2018, at 10:10 AM, Thomas Francart <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hello
>>>> Thanks for your answers, here is slightly more extended description of
>>>> the use-case : I am preparing a "SPARQL query mediator", that is a
>>>> SPARQL-compatible service that will send the same query to multiple sources
>>>> and aggregate the results into a single resultset. It can also articulate
>>>> part of the query with other datasources (like if the SERVICE keyword was
>>>> used). This involves preprocessings on the query, and post-processing on the
>>>> result sets.
>>>> I would like the SPARQL client to know if one of the source has reached
>>>> a LIMIT number of results (I plan to limit the number of results to X for
>>>> each source)
>>>> I was also thinking about proving the "explain" of the query processing
>>>> if the SPARQL client asked for it (which sources were queried, how the query
>>>> got transformed, etc;)
>>>> So the information could be pretty structured and does not seem to fit
>>>> well in HTTP headers.
>>>> Thanks for your ideas. I might try parsing with additionnal XML elements
>>>> and let you know.
>>>> Best Regards
>>>> Thomas
>>>> 2018-07-09 13:56 GMT+02:00 Olivier Rossel <>:
>>>>> Can't the HTTP headers contain such informations, instead of the XML
>>>>> resultSet ?
>>>>> Le lun. 9 juil. 2018 à 13:38, Martynas Jusevičius
>>>>> <> a écrit :
>>>>>> Have you tried parsing?
>>>>>> I think if you used XML elements in your own namespace, it should not
>>>>>> be a problem.
>>>>>> But probably better to start by explaining what your use case is,
>>>>>> rather than the solution you think you need.
>>>>>> On Mon, Jul 9, 2018 at 1:31 PM, Thomas Francart
>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>> > Hello
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > I would like to extend a SPARQL XML result format with custom header
>>>>>> > information; such as query execution time, warning if a search limit
>>>>>> > was
>>>>>> > reached during query execution, or other king of meta-information
>>>>>> > about the
>>>>>> > resultset.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > From the definition of the SPARQL XML result format at
>>>>>> >, I don't see the
>>>>>> > XML schema
>>>>>> > allows this; there is no extension point. Could someone confirm ?
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > In practice, would it be possible to have something like :
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > <?xml version="1.0"?>
>>>>>> > <sparql xmlns="">
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >   <meta>
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >     <!-- here put some meta information -->
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >   </meta>
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >   <head>
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >     ...
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >   </head>
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >   <results>
>>>>>> >     ...
>>>>>> >   </results>
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > </sparql>
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Would SPARQL result parsers choke on this ? RDF4J ? Jena ?
>>>>>> > Is anyone already using this technique ?
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Thanks
>>>>>> > Thomas
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > --
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Thomas Francart - SPARNA
>>>>>> > Web de données | Architecture de l'information | Accès aux
>>>>>> > connaissances
>>>>>> > blog :, site :, linkedin :
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > tel :  +33 (0), skype : francartthomas
>>>> --
>>>> Thomas Francart - SPARNA
>>>> Web de données | Architecture de l'information | Accès aux connaissances
>>>> blog :, site :, linkedin :
>>>> tel :  +33 (0), skype : francartthomas
>>> --
>>> Thomas Francart - SPARNA
>>> Web de données | Architecture de l'information | Accès aux connaissances
>>> blog :, site :, linkedin :
>>> tel :  +33 (0), skype : francartthomas
> --
> Thomas Francart - SPARNA
> Web de données | Architecture de l'information | Accès aux connaissances
> blog :, site :, linkedin :
> tel :  +33 (0), skype : francartthomas

Received on Wednesday, 11 July 2018 13:25:44 UTC