- From: Sahay, Ratnesh <ratnesh.sahay@deri.org>
- Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2017 21:03:06 +0000
- To: "'semantic-web@w3.org'" <'semantic-web@w3.org'>, "'public-lod@w3.org'" <'public-lod@w3.org'>, "'protege-discussion@lists.stanford.edu'" <'protege-discussion@lists.stanford.edu'>, "'public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org'" <'public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org'>, "'public-owl-wg@w3.org'" <'public-owl-wg@w3.org'>, "'public-rdf-dawg@w3.org'" <'public-rdf-dawg@w3.org'>, "protege-user@lists.stanford.edu" <protege-user@lists.stanford.edu>, "'public-sparql-dev@w3.org'" <public-sparql-dev@w3.org>
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Insight, NUI Galway is organising a workshop: SeWeBMeDA-07: SEMANTIC WEB SOLUTIONS FOR LARGE-SCALE BIOMEDICAL DATA ANALYTICS, co-located with ESWC 2017 and will be held on May 28th or 29th, 2017 in Portoroz, Slovenia. Please submit paper(s) and please kindly help to forward to those who might be interested. Regards, Ratnesh ========================================================================================================= ***** Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP announcement ***** First Call for Papers to the International Workshop on "SEMANTIC WEB SOLUTIONS FOR LARGE-SCALE BIOMEDICAL DATA ANALYTICS (SeWeBMeDA-07)"- co-located with ESWC 2017. website: https://sites.google.com/insight-centre.org/sewebmeda/home IMPORTANT DATES Submission deadline: Friday March 3, 2017 Notifications: Friday March 31, 2017 Camera-ready version: Thursday April 13, 2017 Workshop Date: May 28th or 29th 2017 MOTIVATION A study from EMC in 2014 predicts the doubling of the available data in the “Digital Universe” every two years between now and 2020. This rapid growth is a challenge for society – how to put the available data to use effectively? This is a challenge in many areas including Medicine and Life Sciences. Advanced technologies and the emerging Open Data phenomenon produce an ever-increasing amount of data, which needs to be interpreted and examined. To turn data into knowledge, data scientists need to effectively process, filter, interpret cluster and learn from the available data. This process currently is largely unsupported – data scientists are spending time and money on processing data, configuring infrastructure, writing code etc., which is a large loss of productivity and unexploited opportunities, if data scientists with the necessarily skills are available at all. To meet these challenges technologies from different areas need to be combined which help to execute computationally demanding tasks. Linked Data and Semantic Web technologies, coming from a different direction, help to bring heterogeneous data sources together to exploit and make sense of different datasets and making it easier to process semantically heterogeneous data. This workshop aims to accept papers that present the anatomy of large scale linked data infrastructure, which covers: the distributed infrastructure to consume, store and query large volumes of heterogeneous linked data; using indexes and graph aggregation to better understand large linked data graphs, query federation to mix internal and external data-sources, and linked data visualisation tools for health care and life sciences. It will further cover topics around data integration, data profiling, data curation, querying, knowledge discovery, ontology mapping / matching / reconciliation and data / ontology visualisation, applications / tools / technologies / techniques for life sciences and biomedical domain. Workshop aims to provide researchers in biomedical and life science, an insight and awareness about large scale data technologies for linked data, which are becoming increasingly important for knowledge discovery in the life sciences domain. TOPICS Topics of interest include, but are not limited to Semantic Web and Linked Data technologies in the following areas: * Techniques for analysing semantic data in the life sciences, medicine and health care * The description, integration, analysis and use of data in pursuit of challenges in the life sciences, medicine and health * Tools and applications for biomedical and life sciences * Large scale biomedical data curation and integration * Processing biomedical data at scale * Knowledge representation and knowledge discovery for biomedical data * Data publishing, profiling and new datasets in biomedical and life sciences * Querying and federating data over heterogeneous datasources * Biomedical ontology creation, mapping/ matching/ translation and reconciliation * Biomedical Ontology and data visualisation * Text analysis, text mining and reasoning using semantic technologies * New technologies and exploitation of existing ones in Linked Data and Semantic Web * Social and moral issues publishing and consuming biomedical and life sciences data. JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL SEMANTICS Top selected manuscripts will be invited for submitting paper for the special call at "Journal of Biomedical Semantics" SUBMISSIONS Workshop accepts three types of submissions: 1. Full papers (up to 15 pages): Presenting novel scientific research pertaining to querying the Web of Data 2. Short papers (up to 8 pages): Position papers, System and Dataset descriptions, relevant to the topics of interest. 3. Demo/Poster papers (up to 4 pages): Describe a demo or poster of a tool on the workshop topics. Submissions must be in English formatted in the style of the Springer Publications format for Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). For details on the LNCS style, see Springer’s Author Instructions. Workshop accepts PDF submissions only. Papers should be submitted through the EasyChair system (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sewebmeda07) no later than midnight Friday March 3, 2017, Hawaii Time. Submissions will be reviewed by members of the workshop program committee. Papers will be evaluated according to their significance, originality, technical content, style, clarity, and relevance to the workshop. STEERING COMMITTEE * Dr. Ali Hasnain, (ali.hasnain['at']insight-centre.org<http://insight-centre.org>) Insight Centre for Data Analytics, NUI Galway, Ireland. * Dr. Ratnesh Sahay Insight Centre for Data Analytics, NUI Galway, Ireland. * Prof Dr. Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann, Insight Centre, NUI Galway, Ireland PROGRAM COMMITTEE Following is the list of (confirmed) program committee members not in any particular order: * Oscar Corcho - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain * Michel Dumontier - Stanford University, USA * Qurratal Ain Fatimah - University Hospital Galway, Ireland * Maria-Esther Vidal - Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas, Venezuela * Scott Marshall - Netherlands Cancer Institute, Netherlands * Pierre-Yves.Vandenbussche - fujitsu, Ireland * Holger Stenzhorn Saarland University Hospital, Germany * Vit Novacek - Insight Centre, NUI Galway, Ireland * Muhammad Saleem - AKSW- University of Leipzig, Germany * Mikel Egaña Aranguren - University of Basque Country, Spain * Helena F. Deus - Foundation Medicine, USA * Adrien Coulet - LORIA - INRIA Nancy-Grand Est, France * Ratnesh Sahay - Insight Centre, NUI Galway, Ireland * Axel-C. Ngonga Ngomo - AKSW- University of Leipzig, Germany * Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann - Insight Centre, NUI Galway, Ireland * Sujan Perera - IBM Watson USA * Claudia d'Amato - Università degli Studi di Bari * Syed Sibte Raza Abidi - Dalhousie University ORGANISERS & CONTACT INFORMATION * Dr. Ali Hasnain, (ali.hasnain['at']insight-centre.org<http://insight-centre.org>) Insight Centre for Data Analytics, National University of Ireland, Galway * Prof. Dr Amit Sheth, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Wright State University * Dr Michel Dumontier, Stanford University * Prof Dr. Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann (chair), Insight Centre, NUI Galway, Ireland
Received on Monday, 16 January 2017 21:03:55 UTC