Re: XML format for SPARQL queries?

Martynas- nothing! I wasn't suggesting there was anything wrong with SPIN,
just that I don't think it's what I'm looking for. As the abstract says ( ), SPIN "goes beyond the textual format." I want
to head in the opposite direction: a serialization of a SPARQL query that
is document-oriented; ie, XML.

Olivier- thanks for the link. I'm not surprised that I'm the first person
to suggest this, but I do think it's an interesting omission. Given that a
query can be submitted to a SPARQL endpoint as a document, the Web
standards enthusiast in me wants to use an XML format to do so.

An XML format for SPARQL queries would create a nice symmetry with replies
in RDF/XML and SPARQL Query Results XML formats. It would permit an XML
end-to-end processing chain, using the same tools to generate queries and
to process the results from those queries. Many thanks for the advice; if I
make any headway on my own, I'll post to the list. (Mapping SPIN into XML
seems like a good way to start.)


On Sun, Jun 18, 2017 at 11:58 AM, Martynas Jusevičius <> wrote:

> What's wrong with SPIN?
> On Fri, Jun 16, 2017 at 6:45 PM, McCauley, Steven <
>> wrote:
>> Hello-
>> I was wondering, is there an XML format for encoding SPARQL queries and
>> update requests? That is, a format which serializes this:
>> """
>> SELECT ?s ?p ?o
>> WHERE {
>>   ?s ?p ?o .
>> }
>> """
>> as this:
>> """
>> <?xml version="1.0"?>
>> <query xmlns="">
>>   <clause type="select">
>>     <binding name="s" />
>>     <binding name="p" />
>>     <binding name="o" />
>>   </clause>
>>   <clause type="where">
>>     <triple>
>>       <subject>s<subject>
>>       <predicate>p</predicate>
>>       <object>o</object>
>>     </triple>
>>   </clause>
>> </query>
>> """
>> (or, you know, something else that could actually be processed)
>> I ask because I know I can get my SPARQL results in XML (either
>> sparql-results or rdf+xml), so it wouldn't surprise me if a format for
>> SPARQL queries was also available. I've checked the mailing list archives,
>> and the current list of W3C standards and drafts, but I'm not seeing
>> anything like this. There's SPIN, but that seems to be moving in the
>> opposite direction from what I'm looking for.
>> Being able to serialize queries in XML would make them easier to log and
>> rollback (for updates, that is). It would also permit the use of XML tools
>> for generating SPARQL queries. Currently, I'm accomplishing this in my
>> scripts with a lot of string concatenation and string formatting, but that
>> seems flimsy and unreliable. I don't think it would be impossibly hard to
>> write my own schema for a SPARQL Query document, but I also don't want to
>> reinvent the wheel.
>> Thank you-
>> Steve McCauley

Received on Monday, 19 June 2017 18:53:01 UTC