So is it this example that causing the confusion?

DELETE { GRAPH <g1> { a b c } } INSERT { GRAPH <g1> { x y z } }
USING <g1> WHERE { ... }

USING does setup the entire dataset whereas WITH just sets the initial 
active graph for matching but leaves the dataset alone.  It is like a

    GRAPH<g>{... the where clause ...}

The example with USING looks wrong to me and at odds with the 
definitional text for WITH.

USING resets the dataset.  WITH does/should not.

The earlier text is reasonably clear about that.


On 05/08/16 16:02, Pavel Klinov wrote:
> Apologies, this email was meant to be sent to the list.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: *Pavel Klinov* < <>>
> Date: Fri, Aug 5, 2016 at 4:37 PM
> Subject: Re: [SPARQL-Update] WITH, GRAPH, and USING [NAMED]
> To: Andy Seaborne < <>>
> Hi Andy,
> On Fri, Aug 5, 2016 at 3:32 PM, Andy Seaborne <
> <>> wrote:
>     On 05/08/16 09:05, Pavel Klinov wrote:
>         On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 11:04 PM, Pavel Klinov
>         < <>
>         < <>>>
>         wrote:
>             According to my, perhaps incorrect, reading of 3.1.3 this
>         should be
>             equivalent to:
>             DELETE
>             {
>               GRAPH <> { ?s ?p ?o }
>             }
>             USING <> WHERE
>             {
>               GRAPH <> { :a foaf:knows ?s . ?s ?p ?o }
>             }
>             that is, WITH is ignored for DELETE because there's the explicit
>             GRAPH clause but applies to WHERE because there's no USING
>         [NAMED].
>             Then this query should not delete any triples because the
>         dataset
>             for WHERE is composed of the empty default graph and :g2 as
>         the only
>             named graph, while WHERE matches triples in :g2.
>         A correction here: the dataset for WHERE should be :g2 as the
>         default
>         graph and no named graphs (or unspecified named graphs, as per
>         13.2 in
>         [3]). But the rest of the email holds, the query can still return no
>         results contarry to the test.
>     Hi Pavel,
>     (not an official reply)
>     I believe the intent is that WITH sets the default graph but
>     otherwise the named graph are in the dataset visible.
> OK, that's a possible interpretation but it's different from wrapping
> WHERE in a GRAPH. Either it does something to the dataset or changes the
> pattern in WHERE, those are different things.
>     Unlike USING, WITH is not describing the whole dataset to use.  Is
>     there text that suggested to it did? Or entangles WITH and USING? If
>     so, an errata would be in order.
> First, there's the snippet you quoted below: "If a graph name is
> specified in a WITH clause, then - for the purposes of evaluating the
> WHERE clause - this will define an RDF Dataset..."
> Second, there's the example in 3.1.3:
> [[
> To illustrate the use of the WITH clause, an operation of the general form:
> WITH <g1> DELETE { a b c } INSERT { x y z } WHERE { ... }
> is considered equivalent to:
> DELETE { GRAPH <g1> { a b c } } INSERT { GRAPH <g1> { x y z } } USING
> <g1> WHERE { ... }
> ]]
> This gives the impression that WITH, when not ignored, is a syntactic
> sugar for USING. And since USING has basically the same meaning as FROM,
> it should follow that WITH defines the dataset to the extent that FROM
> does.
> Now, regarding your point that it may leave the set of named graphs
> unchanged. Actually 13.2 of the SPARQL spec seems to leave such possibility:
> [[
> If there is no FROM clause, but there is one or more FROM NAMED clauses,
> then the dataset includes an empty graph for the default graph.
> ]]
> See, it doesn't say what the set of named graphs is if there's FROM but
> no FROM NAMED (so in our case USING but not USING NAMED). So it's indeed
> possible for WITH, when interpreted as USING, to describe only the
> default graph. But even then the test with :g1 and :g2 doesn't seem
> right because in the absense of defined named graphs, an implementation
> doesn't have to include :g1. The dataset <:g2, {}> seems like a valid
> implementation choice.
>     The later text:
>     [[
>     If a graph name is specified in a WITH clause, then - for the
>     purposes of evaluating the WHERE clause - this will define an RDF
>     Dataset containing a default graph with the specified name
>     ]]
>     look to me to be at odds with:
>     [[
>     The WITH clause defines the graph that will be modified or matched
>     against for any of the subsequent elements (in DELETE, INSERT, or
>     WHERE clauses) if they do not specify a graph explicitly.
>     ]]
>     [[
>     That is, a WITH clause may be viewed as syntactic sugar for wrapping
>     both the QuadPatterns in subsequent DELETE and INSERT clauses, and
>     likewise the GroupGraphPattern in the subsequent WHERE clause into
>     GRAPH patterns.
>     ]]
>     which both suggest your example of:
>     >     {
>     >       GRAPH <> {
>     >         GRAPH <> { :a foaf:knows ?s . ?s ?p ?o }
>     >       }
>     >     }
>     is intended.
> Yes, I agree that the latter two sentences do suggest that. I don't
> object against such an interpretation, just trying to confirm what
> should be the right behavior.
> Thanks again,
> Pavel
>             Andy
>         Thanks,
>         Pavel
>         [3]
>         <>
>             However, this is not what DAWG tests [2] expect and it is
>         not how
>             ARQ or Sesame implement it (they pass the test). What I can tell
>             from ARQ's source code is that it treats the query as follows:
>             DELETE
>             {
>               GRAPH <> { ?s ?p ?o }
>             }
>             {
>               GRAPH <> {
>                 GRAPH <> { :a foaf:knows ?s . ?s ?p
>         ?o }
>               }
>             }
>             In this case, of course, WHERE will match triples because
>         the inner
>             GRAPH will set :g1 as the active graph for the BGP. However
>         3.1.3
>             says explicitly that WITH, when not ignored, defines an RDF
>         Dataset
>             -- this isn't what happens here.
>             Another interpretation could be as follows: WITH is in
>         effect for
>             WHERE if there's no USING [NAMED] *and* there is no GRAPH
>         clause in
>             either DELETE or INSERT. According to that interpretation
>         the test
>             again should pass because WITH is simply ignored for the whole
>             query, including WHERE, even though there's no USING [NAMED].
>             So the question is: which interpretation is the intended one?
>             Thanks,
>             Pavel
>             [1]
>         <>
>             <
>         <>>
>             [2]
>         <>
>         <
>         <>>

Received on Friday, 5 August 2016 16:44:21 UTC