- From: Gary King <garywarrenking@gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2015 15:29:26 -0400
- To: public-sparql-dev@w3.org
Suppose I have a triple-store containing like <http://a> <http://b> "Hi \u001A is control-Z” . What should the SPARQL/XML output be for this query: SELECT ?o { ?s ?p ?o } If I use Apache Jena 2.13.0 and ask for JSON, I get: { "head": { "vars": [ "o" ] } , "results": { "bindings": [ { "o": { "type": "literal" , "value": "Hi \u001A is control-Z" } } ] } } Asking for XML, however, gives me: <?xml version="1.0"?> <sparql xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/sparql-results#"> <head> <variable name="o"/> </head> <results> <result> <binding name="o"> <literal>Hi is control-Z</literal> </binding> </result> </results> </sparql> Where the control-Z character has disappeared. AFAIK, XML 1.0 cannot encode these control characters, whereas an XML 1.1 output could use . I also see that the RDF validator (http://www.w3.org/RDF/Validator/) is perfectly happy with the results whereas it seems as if it should not be? thoughts? thanks, -- Gary Warren King, metabang.com Cell: (413) 559 8738 Fax: (206) 338-4052 gwkkwg on Skype * garethsan on AIM * gwking on twitter
Received on Monday, 20 July 2015 19:29:56 UTC