Re: SparqlScore : bugs or tests 1.1 obsoletes ?

Hi Andy

> Fuseki should pass all of the SPARQL 1.1 Query Language and SPARQL 1.1
> Update.  You should be running the server in strict mode.
> sq14 - limit by resource
> In addition, in the version you are running,
> "STRDT() TypeErrors"
> "STRLANG() TypeErrors"
> should pass because the published results are RDF 1.0 and the published
> server is running with RDF 1.0 semantics.

The aim, it's to compare databases in the real world. If the tests are
obsolete, I prefer to delete these tests.

> Looking sq14, the W3C published results have 11 triples but the expected
> results in sparqlscore have 14.
> For example: there is the triple in the expected results:
>      [s] => <>
>      [p] => <>
>      [o] => "Alan"
> Where does this come from?

It's probably a bug in my soft. Thanks.

> ----------------------
> Apache Marmotta: (I sampled a few answers)
> BNODE() --
> Just because the labelling is a different style does not automatically mean
> the test fails.  You need blank node isomorphism testing.

probably a bug for me also.

> constructwhere02  :
> Duplicates in a graph syntax are fine - the resulting graph after parsing
> the syntax is a set of triples so Marmotta's way of doing it works.
> This might apply to other constructwhere tests.

Strange... There are several possible outcomes?

> ----------------------
> This non-W3C test:
> "10 Substract date" is at odds with XSD.

Yes it's a sample where any project can check futur queries in
function of database systems. (and check the queries)

> The difference of two xsd:dateTime is an xsd:duration, not an integer.

Ok I will fix it

> as you say "SPARQLScore is an attempt to evaluate the conformance of
> triplestores to the W3C standards. "
>         Hope that helps
>         Andy

Yes, It's very useful. Thanks.


Received on Wednesday, 8 October 2014 17:24:59 UTC