Re: members property in hierarchy

Thanks a lot Rubin,
it did worked like you wrote below with *. the Name is a property which 
i have defined in my SNIK ontology. each worker has a name, which i want 
to get as well.

thanks again
On 10/01/2014 09:00 PM, Ruben Verborgh wrote:
> Hi Iman,
> One first thing to note about this query:
>> SELECT Distinct ?worker ?name
>>      WHERE
>> {
>>      ?z  rdfs:subClassOf  <http://imise/SNIK/Human_ressource>.
>>      ?y rdfs:subClassOf <http://imise/SNIK/Staff>.
>>      ?worker a ?y.
>> }
> Not that ?z has no relation with ?worker or ?y at all.
> This is probably not what you meant.
> Also, the query seems incomplete; the above won't execute.
> Where does ?name come from?
> I think you mean something along the lines of:
> {
>      ?y rdfs:subClassOf* <http://imise/SNIK/Staff>.
>      ?worker a ?y.
> }
> Note the asterisk * after rdfs:subClassOf (this is a SPARQL 1.1 feature)
> so that the class itself and deeper subclasses are also matched.
> Best,
> Ruben

Received on Wednesday, 1 October 2014 20:03:32 UTC