- From: John Walker <john.walker@nxp.com>
- Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 08:07:24 +0000
- To: Paul Tyson <phtyson@sbcglobal.net>
- CC: "public-sparql-dev@w3.org" <public-sparql-dev@w3.org>
Hi Paul, Certainly it is possible to do the same using SPARQL 1.1 Update as the GSP requests can be expressed in those terms. We actually tried this approach by generating SPARQL Update procedures (and TriG) as the output from XSLT processing step. However as the original message is XML and the transformation pipeline is using XML technology, we settled on TriX format for the output as it gave benefit of being able to validate against the TriX XSD. Also worth to note that the original XML message can be up to 10MB and even larger following transformation to whatever RDF/SPARQL format. We found that we ran into problems when trying to issue such large SPARQL Update procedures against the SPARQL endpoint. When using GSP we did not encounter this limitation. Of course this is dependent on the graph store implementation one is using. Regarding the LDP my understanding is that it only permits HTTP operations on individual (RDF triple) resources. Thus updating several LDP RDF Sources in a single HTTP request is not possible. On the subject of PLM, it's also worth looking at OSLC (http://open-services.net/). Regards, John -----Original Message----- From: Paul Tyson [mailto:phtyson@sbcglobal.net] Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2014 2:44 AM To: John Walker Cc: public-sparql-dev@w3.org Subject: Re: Extending SPARQL Graph Store HTTP Protocol with quad semantics Hi John, Interesting work, thanks for sharing it. I'm also implementing PLM linked data capabilities. We haven't tackled the problem of incremental updates to the RDF store yet, but that is coming. Not even sure we'll do it over HTTP at first, but if SPARQL protocol wouldn't handle it I'd be inclined to look at setting up a Linked Data Platform (http://www.w3.org/TR/ldp/) to handle the extra semantics. Regards, --Paul On Wed, 2014-04-23 at 08:03 +0000, John Walker wrote: > Hi All, > > > > I’d like to share some information about what we’ve implemented and > see if there is either: > > - Previous work done in this area, or > > - Others that might find this useful > > > > Perhaps in longer term this is something that could even be > standardized. > > > > To set the scene we’ve been working on converting a rather large > dataset to RDF. > > The dataset is in product lifecycle management domain. > > The primary goal is to have a ‘virtualized’ copy of the current state > of all items that can be flexibly queried over. > > > > For management of the data in the graph store we settled on a graph > per resource pattern [1] where each named graph contains a description > of one item plus some additional metadata about the graph itself. > > This allows us to use HTTP operations (e.g. PUT) to interact with the > named graphs, which is consistent with the granularity of updates to > individual items from the source system (i.e. any change to an item > creates a new version of the item which replaces the previous > version). > > > > However we also knew that the updates from the source system were sent > as messages which contain the description of one or more changed items > plus the description of all related items potentially impacted by the > change. > > One option we considered was to deconstruct the message into several > HTTP PUT operations for each item described in a particular message. > > However this would have the downside that the updates in the graph > store (state changes) do not directly correspond to the messages and > that potentially the updates in a message might be half applied should > there be some error during processing. > > > > The solution we arrived at was the convert the message to RDF quads > and apply the update with a HTTP PATCH request to the graph store with > ‘custom’ semantics. > > We define HTTP PATCH using Quad data as equivalent to: > > - DROP SILENT operation on each named graph in payload, followed > by > > - INSERT DATA operation on each named graph in payload > > > > In other words this is the same as a HTTP PUT request against each > named graph in the quad data. > > > > This allows us to apply the changes described in a message in one > atomic action. > > Any named graphs already present in the graph store that are not in > the RDF quad payload are not mutated. > > > > There is some more info in slides 14-17 of a recent presentation [2]. > > > > One could imagine similar quad semantics for HTTP GET, PUT, POST and > DELETE where: > > - GET would return the entire contents of the graph store in the > requested quad format (could also support triples where context is > omitted) > > - PUT would replace the entire contents of the graph store with > the RDF quad payload > > - POST would insert the RDF quad payload into the graph store > leaving existing data intact > > - DELETE would be equivalent to DROP ALL > > > > Here it may also be useful to have separate URIs to represent the > graph store instance and the data in that instance to remove any > ambiguity if the DELETE request, for example, should delete the graph > store itself or the data in the store. > > > > Regards, > > > > John Walker > > > > [1] http://patterns.dataincubator.org/book/graph-per-resource.html > > [2] http://www.nxp.com/documents/other/PiLOD2_20140417.pdf > >
Received on Thursday, 24 April 2014 08:08:00 UTC