Re: Value of moving OPTIONAL clauses to the end of a graph pattern?

Thanks Chime!

That would be typical of an optimization strategy anyway, whether manual 
or automated, right?

I see some doc about Jena's query optimization at . If anyone can 
point me to similar pages for other SPARQL query processors, I'd 
appreciate it.



On 12/20/2012 4:17 PM, Chime Ogbuji wrote:
> If the implementation evaluates the patterns in the order you provide 
> (rather than determine an optimal evaluation strategy independent of 
> the structure of the given query), I think it does make sense.
> -- 
> Chime Ogbuji
> Sent with Sparrow <>
> On Thursday, December 20, 2012 at 4:10 PM, Bob DuCharme wrote:
>> Since OPTIONAL clauses have no chance of reducing the search space for
>> their containing graph pattern, does it make sense as a general rule of
>> thumb to put them after all the ones that do, i.e. after the
>> non-OPTIONAL triple patterns?
>> thanks,
>> Bob

Received on Thursday, 20 December 2012 21:42:24 UTC