Property paths and filters


I am new to SPARQL and hoping it can help me solve some problems :-)

The particular problem I am looking at is a catalog which has a tree
structure. When selecting a node within the tree I need to know whether
any, all or some of it's descendants have a certain status. SPARQL 1.1.
property paths look hopeful to help with this and I thought combining this
with a filter would be a good solution. The filter works fine when I am
just looking at the children of a node but when I switch to the descendants
the filter seems to break. Here is my SPARQL which works (prefixes excluded
for simplicity)...

SELECT ?child ?status WHERE {
    ?item dri:catalogReference "WO/16/409/27_1"^^xsd:string .
    ?child dri:catalogParentUUID ?item .
    ?closure dri:closureCatalogUUID ?child .
    ?closure dri:closureStatusDocument ?status .
    FILTER(?status = 0)

This returns only the children with  a status of '0' but when I change line
3 to...

?child dri:catalogParentUUID+ ?item

....(notice the plus) I get all the descendants with all status shown, which
is unexpected. Am I missing something here?



Rob Walpole
Tel. +44 (0)7969 869881
Skype: RobertWalpole

Received on Saturday, 3 November 2012 22:45:14 UTC