Get "most specific property"

Dear SPARQLers,

I'm trying to fetch the most specific properties for a class, and I'm
stuck. I want to pull out all the properties that apply for a given
class (including those inherited from superclasses), except those
properties that have subproperties in the result set.

For example, if I have a class Population with one of its properties
being atLocation, and a subclass of Population called Refugees.
Refugees has a property currentLocation, which is a subProperty of

So what I want is a generic query that would give me only atLocation
if I put in Population, and only currentLocation if I put in Refugees.
What I have is this:

prefix rdfs: <>
prefix ex: <>

  ex:Refugee rdfs:subClassOf* ?domain  .
  ?prop rdfs:domain ?domain .
  ?subprop rdfs:domain ?domain .
  FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?subprop rdfs:subPropertyOf ?prop . }
} ORDER BY ?prop

This gives me both atLocation and currentLocation, though.

Is this possible in one query at all? Any ideas on how to solve this

- Carsten

Received on Wednesday, 29 August 2012 15:58:34 UTC