ASCII Control/Unicode C0 chars in SPARQL result format

How do other implementations represent the C0 control chars in SPARQL XML result format?

They're not legal in XML 1.0 (, and it seems that many XML libraries choke on XML 1.1 data.

This is a bit unfortunate if you have C0 chars in your literals.

Things we've considered:

* try to conneg XML 1.1 so at least our clients can take it (doesn't appear to be easy/obvious how, and some things are not even legal in XML 1.1)
* replace C0 chars with something else from unicode, and return a 203 status, or something similar
* give an error

None of these is terribly satisfactory though.

- Steve

PS 99% of the time we use TSV result format, but in a couple of cases it's handy to have XML, and in exactly those places we sometimes find C0 characters in the wild… fun!

Steve Harris, CTO
Garlik, a part of Experian
+44 7854 417 874
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Received on Monday, 20 August 2012 16:49:32 UTC