Re: Request for help....

I think that you need to use the OPTIONAL key word. This will allow you to
get a return if one of the OPTIONAL parts is matched.

However, this would return true when only one OPTIONAL part matches. I am
not sure how you would get it to return only when three of the OPTIONAL
parts match, as opposed to just one.
Maybe if you used OPTIONAL with &&, several times with the various desired

I am fairly new to this too.

Best wishes,

On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 11:24 AM, Farhana Sarker <>wrote:

> Hi,
> I am a new SPARQL user.
> I need to write a query using SPARQL which can be set conditions and will
> be able to return the value if AT LEAST 3 condition is TRUE.
> For example:
> I want to return all the id and other information from my datasets where 6
> conditions are given (as shown below) and want to retrieve information for
> whom at least ANY 3 conditions are TRUE. Could you please help me to write
> the query correctly as the below query returns for which all the conditions
> are TRUE.But I need to retrieve information for whom at least ANY 3
> conditions are TRUE.
>  select ?id ?a ?b ?c ?d ?e ?f ?g
> where {
>              ?id myns:a ?a.
>              filter (regex(?a, "professional")).
>              ?id myns:b ?b.
>              filter (?b = "P")
>              ?id myns:c ?c.
>              filter (?c != "UH")
>              ?id myns:d ?d.
>              filter (?d<2.7)
>              ?id myns:e ?e.
>              filter (?e<2.7)
>              ?id myns:f ?f.
>              filter (?f = “M”)
>              ?id myns:g ?g.
>                filter (?g != “S”)
>   }
> Thank you
> Farhana

Received on Thursday, 15 September 2011 16:06:53 UTC