Re: First order logic and SPARQL

On 5 Sep 2010, at 16:17, Axel Polleres wrote:

>>> The problem with SPARQL stems from the OPTIONAL operator.  A mantra
>>> of RDF has been that it
>>> has open world semantics.  The OPTIONAL operator is inherently non-
>>> monotonic.
>> ?? I don't think so. I'd be interested in a reference.
> Obviously OPTIONAL is nonmomotonic and in fact, NOT EXISTS can be  
> emulated not only
> with the widely known OPTIONAL + FILTER !Bound() trick (see [1]  
> Query #13 for an example),
> but you actually don't need the FILTER even (see Query #14 in the  
> same tutorial [1]).

Thanks, brain fart on my part. (It was a chain from relational algebra/ 
calculus correspondence. Oh well :))

However, I think the point that SPARQL/1.0 is well defined in terms of  
the relational algebra holds. Your work validates that.


Received on Sunday, 5 September 2010 15:27:06 UTC