Re: SPARQL triples with no variables

On 28 Aug 2010, at 17:37, Graham Matthews wrote:

> Hi
> I have a couple of questions about the semantics of some unusual SPARQL
> queries.
> What is the semantics of the following SPARQL query?
> select $x from graph_iri
> where
> {
>         $x a some_iri_1.
>         some_iri_2 some_iri_3 some_iri_4
> }
> where all of the some_iri_i's are distinct, and the graph contains NO triples
> of the form
>         some_iri_2 some_iri_3 some_iri_4
> ?
> Is the answer empty

yes. Basic graph patterns are always matched against the active graph in their entirety.

> or all $x's that satisfy the first triple?
> Similarly what is the semantics of the following query?
> select $x from graph_iri
> where
> {
>         $x a some_iri_1.
>         $y some_iri_3 some_iri_4
> }
> where all of the some_iri_i's are distinct, and the graph contains NO triples
> that match the second
> pattern?


> thanks
> graham



Received on Monday, 30 August 2010 07:09:18 UTC