Re: Unallowed characters in concept names



1/ "(" and ")" aren't allowed in URIs, nor in prefixed names.  Browsers 
kindly encode them into %28 and %29

For example: go to
with Firefox and then cut and paste the contents of the URL bar into a 
text editor.  You get %28-%29 (in FF 3.6 at least)

2/ This is an encoding, not an escape sequence - the URIs really do have 
"%-2-8" and "%-2-9" in them.

3/ SPARQL does not allow % in a prefixed name so you'll have to use

  ?p ?o . }



SELECT ?p ?o
WHERE { <Orange_%28fruit%29> ?p ?o . }

The fact that <> works is more 
luck than anything else :-)


On 24/06/2010 12:08, Buikstra, A.P.F. wrote:
> Hi,
> My question is straightforward, but I didn't find it through Google. Actually, I ran into someone with the same problem, but there was no answer in the thread.
> How should I escape things like the parenthesis in:
> 	PREFIX dbpedia:<>
> 	SELECT ?p ?o
> 	WHERE { dbpedia:Orange_(fruit) ?p ?o . }
> (Gives error about "(" )
> Note that the following does work:
> 	SELECT ?p ?o
> 	WHERE {<>  ?p ?o . }
> Thanks,
> Arjon Buikstra
> P.S. Thanks for the comments on my Union question, it really helped to clarify the problem!

Received on Thursday, 24 June 2010 13:26:58 UTC