- From: Bernhard Schandl <bernhard.schandl@univie.ac.at>
- Date: Mon, 7 Jun 2010 12:22:55 +0200
- To: public-sparql-dev@w3.org
(sorry for cross-posting) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Call for Submissions: Linked Data Triplification Challenge 2010 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * --- DEADLINE ONE WEEK AHEAD: June 14th, 2010 --- Patron: Tim Berners-Lee Sponsors: Wolters Kluwer Germany, The Semantic Universe The yearly organized Linked Data Triplification Challenge awards prizes to the most promising application demonstrations and approaches in three fields related to Linked Data. For the success of the Semantic Web it is from our point of view crucial to overcome the chicken-and-egg problem of missing semantic representations on the Web and the lack of their utilization within concrete applications, to solve real-world problems. The Triplification Challenge aims to expedite this process by raising awareness and showcasing best practices. 3,000 EUR in prize money will be awarded to the winners of the open track and the special Open Government Data track. The challenge is open to anyone interested in applying Semantic Web and Linked Data technologies. This might include students, developers, researchers, and people from industry. Individual or group submissions are both acceptable. Submission deadline is 14th June 2010. Submissions =========== 3,000 EUR in prize money will be given to the most promising applications, newly published datasets and methodological approaches built upon Linked Data. Participants can choose between an Open Track and a special Open Government Data Track. Open Track ---------- The Open Track is sponsored by Wolters Kluwer Germany and Semantic Universe. In the Open Track we envision submissions in three categories: * Novel data sets that are published as part of the Web of Data, according to Linked Data principles, and demonstrating potential benefit of use within applications; * Novel generic mechanisms, approaches, and technologies that convert certain types and formats of information into triples, interlink them to other data sets, and expose them as Linked Data; * Applications showcasing the benefits of Linked Data to end-users such as for information syndication, specialized search, browsing, or augmentation of content. Open Government Data Track -------------------------- Participants are to design and build a web application that makes use of open government datasets. Any dataset qualifies that is produced by any government in the world. These can relate i.e. to environmental data, cadastral and geographic data, traffic data, historical data, public speeches, laws, demographics, election data, campaigning, corporate spending on political messaging etc. The source need not be any particular national government nor any particular level of government (local, state, provincial, federal, etc). At least one source must adhere to the principles of Linked Open Data. Mashups of raw and linked data are allowed and welcome. Format ====== Submissions must be original and must not have been submitted for publication elsewhere. Articles should follow the ACM ICPS guidelines for formatting and must be submitted via the online submission system as PDF documents (other formats will not be accepted). For the camera-ready version, we will also need the source files (Latex, Word Perfect, Word). Submissions should not exceed 3 pages. The descriptions should be submitted electronically via the submission system by May 18th, 2010. Eligible descriptions submissions will be included in the proceedings of the I-Semantics conference. Nominations for the Triplification Challenge should be presented at the conference by their authors. Under certain circumstances (e.g. undergraduate student or open-source community contribution) the conference fee will be waived for a nominee on special request. Important Dates =============== * June 14th, 2010: Submission of descriptions * June 28th, 2010: Notification of nomination * July 12th, 2010: Camera-ready version * September 1st to 3rd, 2010: Main Conference Contact and Further Information =============================== Triplification Challenge Website: <http://triplify.org/Challenge/2010> I-Semantics Website: <http://i-semantics.tugraz.at/triplification-challenge> Contact: Bernhard Schandl <bernhard.schandl@univie.ac.at>
Received on Monday, 7 June 2010 10:23:59 UTC