Re: Using CONSTRUCT to add language tag?

Andy Seaborne wrote:
> fn:concat concentates strings but that does not mean it'll produce 
> strings with a language tag.
> fn:concat("abc","@en") -> "abc@en"
> is a plain string that just happens to end in the characters "@en".
> SPARQL 1.1 does introduce some constructors for RDF terms: one of them 
> is STRLANG to make a string with language tag:
> STRLANG("abc","en") -> "abc"@en
Well, that was easy to accommodate; after seeing on that ARQ 2.8.3 
adds support for STRLANG and realizing that although I was using ARQ 
2.8.2 I had apparently installed 2.8.3 a month ago, all I had to do was 
reset my ARQROOT to point to 2.8.3. Problem solved.

Thanks Andy!


Received on Monday, 24 May 2010 14:05:35 UTC