Re: Using CONSTRUCT to add language tag?

In SPARQL 1.1 you'll be able to do this with a subquery, though it's not 
as succinct:

  PREFIX anrecs: <>
  PREFIX fn: <>
    ?company anrecs:company ?coNameWithLanguageTag .
      SELECT (fn:concat(?coName,"@en") AS ?coNameWithLanguageTag) WHERE {
        ?company anrecs:company ?coName .

(fn:concat is not currently defined by SPARQL -- I expect a 
concatenation function like this will be defined and (as in this 
example) imported from XPath.)


On 5/23/2010 6:11 PM, Bob DuCharme wrote:
> Does anyone have any suggestions about how a SPARQL CONSTRUCT query
> might add language tags without using extensions? The query below works
> with ARQ, but it uses the Jena extension LET and the concat() function:
> PREFIX anrecs: <>
> PREFIX fn: <>
> ?company anrecs:company ?coNameWithLanguageTag .
> }
> ?company anrecs:company ?coName .
> LET (?coNameWithLanguageTag := fn:concat(?coName,"@en")) .
> }
> thanks,
> Bob

Received on Sunday, 23 May 2010 22:41:34 UTC