Loops and conditionals with SPARQL

Hello there,

I have an object property which can appear more than once. It defines min
and max values for prices which should not overlap and I need to check it.

<xxx:Toy rdf:ID="car_1">
    <xxx:Price rdf:ID="price_1">
    <xxx:Price rdf:ID="price_2">

I think I can do it with SPARQL and loops. For each price I need to look
at the others and see if values are overlapping so I coudl get the set of
all overlapping elements. Something like:

  ?sub xxx:hasPrice ?obj .
  ?obj xxx:hasMinPrice ?min . ?obj xxx:hasMaxPrice ?max .
  ?sub1 xxx:hasPrice ?obj1 .
  ?obj1 xxx:hasMinPrice ?min1 . ?obj1 xxx:hasMaxPrice ?max1 .
  FILTER ((?sub = ?sub1?) && (obj <> ?obj1) &&
    (?min1 >= ?min) && (?max1 <= ?max))

Is something like that possible? How can I accomplish this check? do I
have to do it programatically, perhaps in Java, with regular loops?

Thanks in advanced,


Received on Monday, 30 November 2009 15:45:37 UTC