Re: BOF at WWW2008 : SPARQL Futures

Seaborne, Andy wrote:
> Hi all,
> For those at WWW2008, or nearby, we can get a room for a BOF ("Birds of 
> a Feather") meeting on SPARQL Futures including the question of what, if 
> anything, a "SPARQL2" (1.1?) might cover.
> Location: 201B, level2
> Time:     16:30 Wednesday (23rd)
>         See you there
>         Andy

  not there. any tangible outcomes to report? anywhere to place input?

We basically would have to throw in the following proposals for SPARQL2:
- propose marriage with XQuery [1] (that might be outside SPARQL itself, 
since it affects both SPARQL and XQuery)
- using sparql as a view-definition language [2,3]
- a proper syntax for aggregates and vuilt-ins in the construct part
  (our proposal is documented in [2])


1. Waseem Akhtar, Jacek Kopecky, Thomas Krennwallner, and Axel Polleres. 
XSPARQL: Traveling between the XML and RDF worlds - and avoiding the 
XSLT pilgrimage. In Proceedings of the 5th European Semantic Web 
Conference (ESWC2008), Tenerife, Spain, June 2008. Springer.

2.Axel Polleres, François Scharffe, and Roman Schindlauer. SPARQL++ for 
mapping between RDF vocabularies. In OTM 2007, Part I : Proceedings of 
the 6th International Conference on Ontologies, DataBases, and 
Applications of Semantics (ODBASE 2007), volume 4803 of Lecture Notes in 
Computer Science, pages 878-896, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, November 
2007. Springer.

3. Simon Schenk, Steffen Staab:    Networked Graphs: A Declarative 
Mechanism for SPARQL Rules, SPARQL Views and RDF Data Integration on the 
Web.   2008. Bejing, China. 4.  Proceedings of the 17th International 
World Wide Web Conference.

Dr. Axel Polleres, Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI)
email:  url:

rdfs:Resource owl:differentFrom xsd:anyURI .

Received on Wednesday, 23 April 2008 11:26:16 UTC