SPARQL vs OWL query languages

Dear all,

First of all I would like to thank you for maintaining this list.

I have a question regarding the necessity of using OWL query languages when
dealing with OWL DL ontologies.

SPARQL is a query language for RDF and it has been stated that OWL query
languages are needed so that queries take into account the semantics of OWL..
However, OWL semantics could be materialized by means of a reasoner. So,
couldn't we achieve the same with SPARQL in a Jena environment for example?

If I am wrong I would be extremely grateful if somebody could explain this
problem in depth using examples if possible.

Thank you in advance.


Cristina Sarasua Garmendia
Área de Turismo, Patrimonio y Creatividad
Tourism, Heritage and Creativity Department

VICOMTech - Visual Interaction and Communication Technologies Center
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Received on Friday, 11 April 2008 09:19:20 UTC