Re: SPARQL extensions

On Feb 8, 2008, at 12:57 PM, Lee Feigenbaum wrote:

> In the interest of cataloging these extensions and encouraging  
> SPARQL developers to seek interoperable implementations of SPARQL  
> extensions, I've created:
> That page links to individual pages for (currently) 13 categories of  
> SPARQL extensions. Each of those pages, in turn, discusses the  
> relevant type of SPARQL extension and attempts to provide links to  
> research, discussion, and implementations of the extension.

I'm interested to know if anyone has given any of these extensions URIs?

I've been working on service descriptions[1], using a combination of  
the saddle[2] and darq[3] vocabularies (and a placeholder for more  
general sparql endpoint terms), and want to be able to describe the  
supported sparql extensions. I've got placeholder URIs for now, but  
wondered if anyone knows of more appropriate URIs for things like  
ARQ's SERVICE blocks, aggregate functions, and select expressions.

I'm also interested if anyone has any vocabularies for describing  
things like supported extension functions (the saddle stuff does this,  
but using a placeholder vocabulary).



"I think what would be welcome at this point is a global outbreak of
  (de)constructive nihilism, so that people could stand up and say ...
  I'm not mad as hell anymore, and I'm not gonna take it!"    - TorgoX

Received on Thursday, 3 April 2008 03:06:21 UTC