RE: Cross-graph vs. merged-graph performance

-------- Original Message --------
> From: Danny Ayers <>
> Date: 9 November 2006 17:54
> I'm querying across multiple named graphs, and given the shape of the
> data it looks like I'll have the choice between - 
> a) creating a dataset and using queries with multiple GRAPH blocks
> b) merging the graphs into one and then querying that as the default
> graph 
> Either way I should get the same results. Typically there will be a
> single shared node across the graphs, a kind of foreign key (this is
> also currently the name of a graph, though that may change).  
> Is either approach likely to be significantly faster in general, or is
> it entirely case-dependent? 

I'd guess that a merged graph wil be faster, at least not slower.  The
nature of the query will have a big effect though.


> I've a feeling this has an obvious answer but seem to have a mental
> block on factoring these things out. 
> Implementationwise I'm using ARQ in-memory (already flipped there from
> using MySQL-backed models, there's a possibility of having to flip
> back, praise be to common interfaces).  
> Cheers,
> Danny.
> --

Received on Wednesday, 15 November 2006 13:11:51 UTC