SPARQL and objectproperties

Hi all,

I have some ontologies (Proton modules [1]) in a triplestore (3store
[2]), and using SPARQL, I'd like to find all properties that can exist
between 2 instances - that are also in the store.

So, what I need to do basically is - am I right btw ?:
1) find types of these instances (direct and inferred ones -  as the
store do inference for instances type);
2) find all properties that have these types as domain/range
3) return all subproperties of the previous one (as I do not infer
suproperty inheritance in the store, so some properties are not
retrieved by 2)

The following query works fine:

PREFIX xsd:   <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>

  // 1)
  <http://foobar#instance1> rdf:type ?domain .
  <http://foobar#instance2> rdf:type ?range .
  // 2)
  _:p rdfs:domain ?domain .
  _:p rdfs:range ?range .
  // 3)
  ?property rdfs:subPropertyOf _:p .

(+ Union to get domain / range inverse)

Yet, in the original ontology, some subproperties got an additionnal
domain / range that conflict with the type of instances. Eg, I got
this in my ontology:

  Person rdfs:subClassOf Agent
  Group rdfs:subClassOf Agent
  Company rdfs:subClassOf Group
  hasMember rdfs:domain Group
  hasMember rdfs:range Agent
  hasEmployee rdfs:subPropertyOf hasMember
  hasEmployee rdfs:range Person

So the query before applied to Company instances will return
hasEmployee which _shouldn't_ be applied between 2 companies (This is
what is done in Protege where hasEmployee exists only between Group
and Person, but using RDFS inference rules, it should exist ?. Maybe I
missed something here ?

What I want to do to avoid this problem is to remove from query
results the properties that got a domain / range which is not a
superclass (or the class itself) of the direct type of my instances.
First, is that the good way to do ? I can't see any other solution for
this at the moment.

To do so, my query must:
1) find direct type of these instances
2) find all types of these instances
3) find all properties that have these types as domain/range
4) find all subproperties of the previous one
5) remove subproperties where domain or range is not a parent of "1"

I make a query that works until 4, but I can see how to remove
properties I don't want, because of this:

PREFIX xsd:   <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX direct: <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?p ?domain ?range
  // 1)
  <http://foobar#instance1> direct:type _:direct_subject_type .
  <http://foobar#instance2> direct:type _:direct_object_type .
  // 2)
  <http://foobar#instance1> rdf:type  _:subject_type .
  <http://foobar#instance2> rdf:type _:subject_type .
  // 3)
  _:property rdfs:domain _:subject_type .
  _:property rdfs:range _:object_type .
  // 4)
  ?p rdfs:subPropertyOf _:property .
  // 5)
  ?p rdfs:subPropertyOf ?z .
  ?z rdfs:domain ?domain .
  ?z rdfs:range ?range .

Then I should test ?domain / ?range regarding 5), but the problem is
that I got properties that both conflict and are OK:

}, {
        "p": {"value":
"", "type":
"uri" },
        "domain": {"value":
"", "type":  "uri"
        "range": {"value":
"", "type":
"uri" }
      }, {
        "p": {"value":
"", "type":
"uri" },
        "domain": {"value":
"", "type":  "uri"
        "range": {"value":
"", "type": "uri"
      }, {

subRegionOf should be removed as Location is not a Parent of "Company"
(1 result), yet, Entity is (2nd), so even when adding the subClass
condition between original type and properties, I'll keep the 2nd
result, which I don't want as the 1st is false.

Any idea to solve this ? Or maybe another way to find all properties
that can exist between 2 instances ?

And thanks for those that read this mail totally :)




Received on Thursday, 12 October 2006 02:16:15 UTC