Hi everybody,
I will report to sparql-dev about any RDFandSQL related activities here at ESWC. If anybody from sparql-dev is at ESWC and is interested in a BOF meeting on RDFandSQL, just catch me before Tuesday.
Chimezie, if you need any support in implementing D2R in Python, let Richard or me know and we will support you where we can.
I think the discussion about browseable http URIs for database-backed resources and Tim's comment on tabulator is very important. Right now D2R server doesn't allow you to dereference dynamically created URI, but all the information that is needed to make URIs dereference-able is already in the mapping. So it should be possible to make URIs browseable by using a URI creation pattern like http://D2RserverURL/resource/classMapID/PrimaryKey. We will add this feature to next D2R server release and hack up a demo which shows how tabulator is used to browse a database.
----- Original Message -----
From: Dan Connolly
To: public-sparql-dev@w3.org
Cc: Tim Berners-Lee ; Seaborne, Andy ; Eric Prud'hommeaux ; Elias Torres ; Chimezie Ogbuji ; Chris Bizer ; 'Richard Cyganiak' ; danbri@danbri.org ; danny.ayers@gmail.com
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 11:33 PM
Subject: SPARQL/SQL/D2R/dbview (un)scheduled topic chat 8 Jun minutes/record
The scheduling problem looked really hard, and I saw timbl
and a few others in #swig, so we just spontaneously convened
and had a little IRC/phone meeting.
Andy is nominated to coordinate next steps.
SPARQL/SQL/D2R/dbview (un)scheduled topic chat 8 Jun 2006
DanC, ericP, EliasT, TimBL, AndyS, chimezie
Rob_Crowell, shellac
Dan Connolly
* Topics
1. Background: DanC on SPARQL/SQL stuff at WWW6, IRC log
2. Convene on short notice; note possible BOF at ESWC
3. HCLS connection
4. around the table... DanC and TimBL on dbview and
browseable data
5. around the table... chimezie on rdflib
6. around the table... Andy on SquirrelRDF
7. around the table... EliasT on SPARQL access to Roller
Blogging DB
8. around the table... EricP on Algae2 update to handle
9. Collaboration mechanics... WG/IG/XG/list/wiki etc.
10. postscript: starting the survey in the wiki
ACTION: AndyS to ask Chris B and folks at ESWC to report to sparql-dev
on any BOF that should arise
RESOLVED: to start with http://esw.w3.org/topic/RdfAndSql for collecting
survey materials and to use public-sparql-dev@w3.org
See also links in the swig chump...
and IRC logs...
A somewhat edited version is attached.
Dan Connolly, W3C http://www.w3.org/People/Connolly/
D3C2 887B 0F92 6005 C541 0875 0F91 96DE 6E52 C29E