- From: Danny Ayers <danny.ayers@gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 27 May 2006 11:09:31 +0200
- To: public-sparql-dev@w3.org
Hi folks, I've been mulling over using SPARQL alongside RDF serializations as an agent communication language (a la old-AI), with the underlying protocol naturally being HTTP. An agent will basically be a triplestore attached to a HTTP client and server with whatever additional processing may be required. A TELL kind of message will be a graph, an ASK a SPARQL query. As both RDF/XML and SPARQL have there own mime types there's a natural fit to HTTP at this level. But a puzzle I've got is how best to indicate up front whether the query is a SELECT, CONSTRUCT, ASK or DESCRIBE. At least I'm assuming this is the right way to go - the different query types are quite different, from the agent viewpoint presumably they'd correspond to different performatives, from the HTTP point of view they're only a teeny bit below GET, PUT etc. So I reckon it would make sense to lift the query type out of the content somehow (and it should be helpful to be able to dispatch at HTTPrequest time, prior to parsing). Right now I'm thinking maybe using a HTTP header. Pragma: looks fairly close, but I'm very much open to suggestions. Whatever is used, I reckon it's important for the client/server to behave transparently as a regular client/server (e.g. an Atom Store Agent would have handlers for the extra mime type). Oddly enough I raised the point about aligning SPARQL to HTTP methods at the SWIG/DAWG encounter in Cannes, only I really didn't have this level of granularity in mind. Anyhow, I'm jotting notes on the ESW Wiki [1]. On an off-topic tangent, talking about HTTP clients and servers in the same unit - does anyone happen to know whether a Javascript HTTP server could be embedded in a page/the browser? (Irrespective of whether this would be sane :-) Any pointers to any post-Ajax documentation of what approximates the cross-browser Javascript spec would be appreciated. The agent code I'm playing with is Java, but there might be fun to be had with server=client (browser). Cheers, Danny. [1] http://esw.w3.org/topic/SemanticWebAgentFramework -- http://dannyayers.com
Received on Saturday, 27 May 2006 09:09:41 UTC