RE: SPARQL Geo Extensions

-------- Original Message --------
> From: Leigh Dodds <>
> Date: 12 May 2006 21:46
> Hi,
> Promised AndyS and DanC that I'd ping this list with some
> pointers to some hacking I've been doing with manipulating
> geo data using SPARQL:
> Describes 3 functions available from my service. Two
> variations of a "distance between points" function, and
> a "test for point in bounding box" function.
> This is still experimental stuff, but it would be interesting
> to attempt to converge on a standard namespace, and set of
> functions for geo data.

Great!  And it certainly would be good to get to standard URIs for
functions (not just java: :-) because the small details that can make
interoperability hard.

I've done strlen, substring (requested) and a few others and little
things like having the same arguments (e.g. end index vs length of
substring) just need argeement.

Maybe collect sets of functions on the ESW wiki for now - that would
provide a starting point for getting the same extension libraries on
different implementations.


> I'll try and package up the ARQ code as soon as I get time.
> Cheers,
> L.

Received on Wednesday, 17 May 2006 15:23:49 UTC