Formal definition of the SPARQL 1.1 Query Language

Hi all,

In the following paper (under review for SWJ), Jaime and I have provided 
a formal definition for the complete SPARQL 1.1 Query Language.

We needed these definitions for our work on canonicalising SPARQL 1.1 
queries, and we thought that these definitions might potentially be of 
interest to this group.

The definitions clarify some potential ambiguities we perceived in the 
standard regarding aspects such as MINUS' handling of incompatible 
solutions, the multiplicity of results, etc., as well as providing a 
more declarative definition for the evaluation of paths, for example. 
While defining the query language, we also discovered the (known) issue 
of NOT EXISTS being under-specified.

The definitions should cover the full query language, except for NOT 
EXISTS (whose semantics are under-specified), SERVICE with variables 
(whose semantics are not defined), and details of specific datatype 
ordering, specific expressions and functions (which we abstract away).


Received on Monday, 26 April 2021 02:25:19 UTC