
Hi All,

We want to note that we are very pleased with the number of participants 
that have already signed up to the community group. Especially 
considering that many of you went through the trouble of dealing with 
legal requirements correctly. We also know that there are still a number 
of teams and people whom want to join are still working on their paperwork.

Which is why we have not yet accelerated starting real work. In the 
meantime please keep on working on the wiki of existing features and 
open issues of new ideas that you would like to see. Ideas can be "best 
practices", suggested extensions as well as records of your existing 
success stories on the wiki. We have seen lots of exiting ideas and look 
forward to see how we as a community can bring them to fruition.

Jerven and Andy

Received on Tuesday, 16 April 2019 10:16:31 UTC