- From: Melvin Carvalho <melvincarvalho@gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2025 14:38:52 +0100
- To: elf Pavlik <elf-pavlik@hackers4peace.net>
- Cc: public-solid@w3.org
- Message-ID: <CAKaEYhKZM3JEDGzz-KApd5x-SbbqQyE+H-PUJ-2W6Jgj4VuWPQ@mail.gmail.com>
čt 30. 1. 2025 v 13:59 odesílatel elf Pavlik <elf-pavlik@hackers4peace.net> napsal: > Hi Sarven, > > > Has the Solid CG recently decided to continue working on (some or all) > > items that are also part of the LWS WG charter deliverables? I would > > appreciate any references to the CG decision and updates to the charter > > reflecting this. > > We discussed it yesterday during the CG meeting > > https://github.com/solid/specification/blob/main/meetings/2025-01-29.md#state-of-cg-reports > > Given the following text in the LWS WG charter > https://www.w3.org/2024/09/linked-web-storage-wg-charter.html#dependencies > > "Depending on the Working Group progress, including consideration for > adequate implementation experience, the Group may also decide to adopt > the following dependencies as input documents" > > The general understanding is that only the core Solid Protocol report is > currently an input of the WG. > As the WG advances it can signal that some of the normative references > listed in the charter will also become WG inputs. > So, all the CG reports listed as dependencies are still work items of > the Solid CG. > > I would also keep in mind that the CG will provide full git repositories > as input when the WG requests specific reports. This means that the WG > has a very granular history, even more granular than the versioned > snapshots some reports have been creating. Except for ACP, I would also > expect that all the editors and most of the authors of the Solid CG > drafts will be available to clarify the background of any changes made > to the CG drafts whenever WG needs that additional information. > > For a clearer process of how CG <-> WG process can work, I would like us > to consider work done by FedID CG+WG on specifying that process > https://github.com/w3c-fedid/Administration/blob/main/proposals-CG-WG.md Without diving into the whole doc—can we just adopt Stage 0? Seems logical, straightforward, obvious Stage 0: Exploration The purpose of Stage 0 proposals is to allow anyone to raise and explore the Problem Space without asking for permission. What's needed from individuals? Typically, a written issue, a personal repo, a blog post, a tweet, etc. What's asked of the Community Group? Nothing: no permission needed from anyone. > > > Even if we don't see it 100% fitting our needs, we can always propose > changes upstream or fork it. Either way, it should result in a decent > reference documenting the preferred practice. > > Best regards, > elf Pavlik > > >
Received on Thursday, 30 January 2025 13:39:09 UTC