- From: Solid <Solid@theodi.org>
- Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2025 12:07:36 +0000
- To: public-solid@w3.org
- Message-ID: <CAOQn+O=VBVgVJ1BHMTpx89qNOHWLkhdbSqTwDvno3Oy9C-uzKw@mail.gmail.com>
Solid World: February 2025 Free webinar, Monday 24 February 2025, 16:00-17.15 GMT Sign up here <https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/solid-world-february-2025-tickets-1224731427669?aff=oddtdtcreator> for updates and the Zoom link, or simply join the event directly using this Zoom link <https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83732126578>. We’re excited to be back with Solid World on 24 February! This will be the first Solid World organised by the Open Data Institute - who are now stewards of Solid. New to the ODI or Solid? Visit here <https://theodi.org/news-and-events/news/odi-and-solid-come-together-to-give-individuals-greater-control-over-personal-data/> to learn more. In this Solid World we will: - Provide brief updates on what the ODI has been doing for Solid, including advocacy across Government and Industry - Present highlights of progress made in the Solid Community - Share updates on progress in the Linked Web Storage Working Group Speakers Noel De Martin <https://www.linkedin.com/in/noeldemartin/overlay/about-this-profile/> Noel is the creator of some Solid Apps you may have used before, such as Media Kraken and Umai. In this month's event, he'll talk about one of the most important possibilities that the world of Solid unleashes: Interoperable Serendipity. https://noeldemartin.com https://noeldemartin.solidcommunity.net/profile/card#me LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/noeldemartin/ Mastodon: https://noeldemartin.social/@noeldemartin Christoph Braun <https://www.linkedin.com/in/christoph-hj-braun/> Christoph is a doctoral researcher in the Web Science research group at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Germany. He focuses on methods to build semantic data-sharing ecosystems based on existing and emerging Web standards. https://uvdsl.solid.aifb.kit.edu/profile/card#me https://www.linkedin.com/in/christoph-hj-braun Tobias Käfer <https://www.linkedin.com/in/tobiaskaefer/> As interim professor, Tobias leads the Web Science research group at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Germany. His research interests are in decentralized and distributed knowledge graph-based AI systems. In particular, he connects the modelling of behaviour (eg. from Business Process Modelling, and dynamical systems) with web technologies for semantic knowledge representation (Knowledge Graphs, RDF, OWL), neurosymbolic / generative Artificial Intelligence, and decentralised system interaction (HTTP). https://kaefer3000.solidcommunity.net/profile/card#me https://www.linkedin.com/in/tobiaskaefer Louise Burke <https://theodi.org/profile/louise-burke/>, Chief Executive Officer, the ODI Louise is the ODI’s Chief Executive Officer and leads the team to deliver on the organisation’s mission and vision. Having joined the ODI in 2012 Louise previously held roles as chief finance officer and chief operating officer. She has expertise in data governance, data literacy, data institutions, data assurance and innovation, as well as a professional background in accountancy and finance. She was named one of the 100 Top Influencers across the UK’s open technology communities <https://openuk.uk/about-us/2021honourslist/> in 2021. With a career that has involved building many businesses from the ground-up, and expertise in fundraising, mergers and acquisitions, and scaling, Louise has commercial acumen along with a commitment to deliver on the ODI’s vision. As an accountancy professional, she has lectured in the UK and overseas for the ACCA and CIMA and has authored academic books, study systems and business articles. Although Louise loves working, she also finds time for the gym, visits to the theatre and spending time with her family. She’s also a school governor and mentors teenagers in her free time. Chair Jesse Wright <https://theodi.org/profile/jesse-wright/>, Solid Lead, the ODI Jesse Wright is a passionate advocate for a Web that empowers individuals by giving them control over their own data. With a commitment to open-source and community-driven technology, Jesse has contributed significantly to the development and deployment of Solid. Jesse’s work on Solid spans several years, encompassing both volunteer and professional contributions to the project. He has developed and maintained a variety of libraries essential to the Semantic Web and Solid ecosystems, including eye-js <https://github.com/eyereasoner/eye-js/>, shaclcjs <https://github.com/jeswr/shaclcjs>, N3.js <https://github.com/rdfjs/n3.js>, LDflex <https://github.com/LDflex/LDflex/>, and Comunica <https://github.com/comunica/comunica>. Professionally, Jesse’s industry experience includes deploying Solid Pods for Indigenous health use cases at the Software Innovation Institute <https://sii.anu.edu.au/>, as well as building foundational Solid infrastructure at Inrupt <https://www.inrupt.com/>. As an academic, Jesse is a DPhil researcher at the University of Oxford’s EWADA group, led by Sir Tim Berners-Lee and Professor Nigel Shadbolt. His research revolves around designing architectures that enable decentralized agents to autonomously negotiate and make decisions, thereby establishing a logical framework for Solid <https://solidproject.org/>. Through his academic work, Jesse has contributed to numerous W3C standards.
Received on Monday, 10 February 2025 18:53:19 UTC