Transforming Queries for Access Control

Solid Community Group,

Hello. I am pleased to share a recent idea involving the use of text templating for transforming or compressing queries, e.g., SPARQL and SQL queries, into more efficient representations more resembling remote procedure calls or actions [1].

In this technique, actions’ “verbs” are URIs, or, more specifically, URLs from which to retrieve those templates with which to decompress the transmitted objects back into query languages. It is possible to process incoming queries using the compressed representations and also to obtain the intended full query-language representations.

This technique should allow solutions like ODRL to describe queries, at least for those cases where the resultant “verbs” were well-known to, or recognized by, servers. Additionally, ODRL constraints could be placed on query actions’ arguments.

Thank you for any feedback on these ideas.

Best regards,
Adam Sobieski


Received on Tuesday, 4 February 2025 16:45:29 UTC