Re: How long does it take to start a WG at W3C?

Would be good if we could somehow speed this along.

The main objection was around the chairs, but Eric has very kindly offered
to help out there.

Michiel, you had some concerns first time round, are you good with the
current charter, now?

Any more people we need to convince, or items we need to work on -- such as
the explainer?

Agree it would be v good for everyone if we can get the WG ball rolling.

st 29. 5. 2024 v 18:40 odesílatel Tim Berners-Lee <> napsal:

> Thank you all for working on this.
> While we were discussing this we missed the first birthday of the original
> email on May 10 last year.
> 🕯️
> Tim

Received on Thursday, 30 May 2024 09:03:47 UTC