Re: Straw Poll : Turtle vs JSON-LD

May be this helps:

Unambiguous, uniqueness, and universality are three distinct concepts that are often used in different contexts. Here's a brief explanation of each term:

1. Unambiguous: Something is unambiguous when it has a clear and definite meaning or interpretation. It means there is no ambiguity or confusion in understanding it. In other words, there is only one possible understanding or explanation for it. For example, a clear and precise statement or instruction is unambiguous because there is no room for misinterpretation.

2. Uniqueness: Uniqueness refers to the quality of being one of a kind or having no equal. It means there is only one instance or occurrence of something. Uniqueness implies that no other similar or identical thing exists. For example, a unique piece of artwork is one that cannot be replicated or reproduced exactly.

3. Universality: Universality refers to the condition of being applicable or existing everywhere or for everyone. It is the idea that something is true, valid, or relevant for all cases, situations, or individuals. Universality implies that something is not limited to a specific context or group but is true or relevant universally. For example, universal human rights are principles that apply to all people regardless of their nationality, race, or gender.

In summary, unambiguous refers to clarity and lack of confusion, uniqueness refers to being one of a kind, and universality refers to the quality of being applicable or true for all cases or individuals.

(Thanks to Goatchat).

> Op 5 feb 2024, om 12:29 heeft Nicolas Chauvat <> het volgende geschreven:
> Hi,
> Le Sun, Feb 04, 2024 at 06:46:29PM +0100, Han Wammes a écrit :
>> To support the discussion, have a look at the article on Datascience from Kurt Cagle:
> +1
> As the article states:
> Turtle is the Language of the Semantic Web.
> Turtle Underlies SPARQL, SHACL and other languages.
> Turtle is Human Readable.
> Turtle Is A True Streaming Language.
> RDF automatically deduplicates.
> Turtle is unambiguous, JSON is not.
> Semantics Matter.
> Turtle represents complex structures better than JSON.
> to me readability is high on the list and the fact that it looks the
> same in Sparql and in Turtle is important. Others point are good too.
> -- 
> Nicolas Chauvat
> - services en informatique scientifique et gestion de connaissances  

Received on Monday, 5 February 2024 11:53:20 UTC